By ConsultingTimeLordIn221B•Updated: 17 Mar 2012•Published: 12 Oct 2009•
37 Chapters
292,932 words
James P., Lily Evans P.
Rating: T
•In Progress
COMPLETE! Three of the Marauders, one imperious Head Girl, and the Headmaster and Deputy Head of Hogwarts end up at Potter Manor over the summer before the MPP/L's seventh year. They end up reading Deathly Hallows.
By CheckersChance2•Updated: 25 Aug 2013•Published: 3 Feb 2013•
45 Chapters
314,634 words
Harry P., Dolores U.
Rating: T
•In Progress
The mysterious A.S. Potter sends back the seventh Harry Potter Book. Who gets the book you may ask? Professor Umbridge of course! Read the epic tale of Harry Potter through its characters eyes, and see how they change the future for the better.