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Collection by Batoul {{ vm.collection.storiesCountText }} Updated: 2 Apr 2023
  • Destined to suffer

    Harry just returned from the horrific scene in the graveyard. What if Moody succeeds in escaping the castle, leading Harry to the Forbidden Forest to finish the Dark Lord’s plan... (Overprotective Sirius, scenes of torture)- you have been warned... ENJOY! (Everything belongs to the queen- J.K. Rowling)
  • Ripple Effect

    What if, when Harry saw a glimpse of Padfoot on the evening he ran away from Privet Drive, things had gone differently?
  • Secrets Uncovered

    It's the last day of the Christmas holiday's and everyone's enjoying a dinner. Sirius notices a scar on the back of Harry's hand, and it looks strangely like writing... Set in Order or the Phoenix. Two-shot. Blood Quill.