By ConsultingTimeLordIn221B•Updated: 17 Mar 2012•Published: 12 Oct 2009•
37 Chapters
292,932 words
James P., Lily Evans P.
Rating: T
•In Progress
COMPLETE! Three of the Marauders, one imperious Head Girl, and the Headmaster and Deputy Head of Hogwarts end up at Potter Manor over the summer before the MPP/L's seventh year. They end up reading Deathly Hallows.
By Laura Potter is awesome•Updated: 31 May 2012•Published: 18 Aug 2011•
39 Chapters
267,543 words
Dolores U., Harry P.
Rating: T
•In Progress
Umbridge finds the Deathly Hallows and reads it to all of Hogwarts and the Order. What could go wrong?
By RoseDragonWitch•Updated: 21 Feb 2014•Published: 10 Oct 2013•
19 Chapters
127,446 words
Rating: K+
•In Progress
During Ootp, Remus finds the first four Harry Potter books and shares them with Sirius. How do they take reading about Harry's adventures and discovering secrets that he's been keep from them? Maybe more characters later on.
By jlmill9•Updated: 24 Sep 2012•Published: 7 Jul 2012•
3 Chapters
11,208 words
1 follower
Harry P.
Rating: T
•In Progress
Not long after coming home to the Dursleys after his third year at Hogwarts, Harry finds himself in a strange house along with several of his friends, one of his enemies and a mysterious boy, who wants to change his future. After they had reading some books, they are all determined to take a different path this time around.
By TwiHard24•Updated: 15 Mar 2012•Published: 27 Dec 2010•
30 Chapters
244,210 words
Rating: T
•In Progress
All Members of the Order Of the Pheonix, past/present/future, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Please read and review! Rapidly coming updates! Enjoy!
By Dimcairien•Updated: 27 Dec 2012•Published: 10 Dec 2011•
18 Chapters
190,976 words
Rating: T
•In Progress
As the Weasley's and friends continue with book six of HP, they deal with romance, anger, trust, horror, and much more. Deeper friendships and trust are formed between many friends. Even the time travelers continue to learn things about each other.