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Collection by Lilly20Flower {{ vm.collection.storiesCountText }} Updated: 11 Jul 2022
  • Watching the Doctor

    The Doctor is stranded in prison, dealing with the revelations of the Timeless Child and the memories of her time travelling, all alone. Until the Tardis decides enough is enough and gathers her and some of her more recent companions to help her deal with her past and make some amends by watching her adventures. Characters watch the show, set after Timeless Child/Pre-Resolution.
  • Haley Potter Watches the Movies

    Movies arrive on Haley Potters life and no one is allowed to leave until they are all watched. The weird thing is some of them haven't happened yet. One Movie per Chapter. Warning - Adult Language
  • Watching the Movies

    Hermione receives a call from her parents telling her about a movie they thought she might what to know about. This story follows the same Universe as jlmill9 story about Harry and his friends reading the books and mine with the Next Generation reading.
  • Changing the Future: Reading the Deathly Hallows

    Harry is transported to a magic room where he is force to read a book about his future with several of his friends, and a few of his enemies.
  • Cullen's and friend's read twilight

    The Cullen are having a relaxing day when Alice has a vision of them and the wolf's plus Billy. charlie reading for book twilight, new moon, Eclipse . Breaking dawn . SORRY SUMMARY'S NOT TO GOOF FIRST TIME WRITING
  • The Cullens read Twilight

    The Cullens receive a mysterious package with 4 books Twilight. New moon. Eclipse. Breaking Dawn. Read to find out more!