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Collection by HarryJackson {{ vm.collection.storiesCountText }} Updated: 6 May 2022
  • Discovery: Reading the Deathly Hallows

    The Dursleys have just gotten back from hiding and have discovered a book in number 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Soon, the Grangers, Marauders, Lily, Harry and the Weasleys and more join them. L/J H/G R/H Rated T for some swearing.
  • Exploring Harry Potter's Life

    Umbridge has officially outdone herself. Her tactics to prove Harry Potter is a liar has gotten even more vicious. She decides to drag up Harry's past and read it to all of Hogwarts, (and a few very special guests). How will Harry and his "family" handle these books? Especially when a few well kept secrets are exposed. Lady Celestial Star wrote this, she's just letting me post it.
  • Changing the Future: Reading the Deathly Hallows

    Harry is transported to a magic room where he is force to read a book about his future with several of his friends, and a few of his enemies.
  • Hogwarts Reads the Books: Goblet of Fire

    4th Book the revised version
  • Hogwarts and the Deathly Hallows

    The mysterious A.S. Potter sends back the seventh Harry Potter Book. Who gets the book you may ask? Professor Umbridge of course! Read the epic tale of Harry Potter through its characters eyes, and see how they change the future for the better.