Short or long stories about the every day happenings in the ANJell house hold. Mostly TaekyungxGominyu, maybe some GominyuxShinwoo or GominyuxJeremy.
"And even if I know it's futile, even if it makes no difference because she can't look at me... I still love her. Unconditionally. Devotedly. Hopefully. Strongly. Quietly. Distantly. My love for her is as constant as the beating of my heart, as my even breathing at night before I close my eyes and see her smile. My love for Go Minyu is sempiternal"
When a lion-headed logo starts finding its way in Xavière, Galatea and Lena's lives, it marks the beginning of a journey through which the three friends will discover what the notion of accomplishment truly means to each of them.
Tae Kyung quiere que Mi Nyu viva con él y los demás integrantes de A. N. Jell, pero esto desatará conflictos inimaginables entre ambos. ¿Qué sucederá cuando se creen rumores sobre su relación? ¿Qué pasará en la mente de Mi Nyu cuando comience a descubrir ciertos sentimientos que para ella deberían estar prohibidos? ¿Cómo se sentirán Shin Woo y Jeremy al ver lo que está pasando?
Que pasaría si en ves Tae Kyung, fueran Shin quien la cuido y la descubrió con la fiebre alta. y la cuido toda la noche.
Básicamente Shin Woo. Os gustará!
Go Mi Nam never had surgery, so he never went to the U.S. But it must be fate, because his sister still ends up living in the dorms with him and the other members of A.N. Jell. A/U.
shin woo and jeremy are in love but they do'nt tell anyone else. and they're both in the closet.
When Go Mi Nyu falls ill, Go Mi Nam is asked to take her place at the orphanage charity ball. But when President Ahn decides to promote the cause by making a televised promo series starring A.LL and Yoo He Yi, things go to hell. How long can Go Mi Nam keep up the charade for?
She can't leave without her favorite toy, but he can't sleep without it. What will happen when they both need the Pig-Rabbit?
Que hubiera pasado si Go Mi Nyu hubiese ido a la cita con Shin Woo? Si la cerdo-conejo se hubiese dado cuenta antes de los sentimientos de Shin Woo hacia ella ¿Habria sido lo mismo?
Eh summmaries are still hard to write. Enjoy the story
Jeremy has a secret. what could it be?
¿Que pasaria si en lugar de fingir ser su hermano, Mi Nyu entrara a ANJELL por si misma? ¿Como afectaria su presencia y su estatus de mujer a la banda y al público en general? Universo alterno. -EN PAUSA HASTA NUEVO AVISO-