this is a story in the Awesomenauts universe where at the Reds base in a unknown planet, a high experience Cyborg, a terrible Space Viking and a cursed Sadak, have to work together as the Awesomenauts to win the war for the Reds, featuring captain Anywek as their captain/announcer. rated K for cartoon violence and mild language
How the Lieutenant became
How Alena became a thug
How Sam became
How Bro man Salam became the Dovahkiin and a Fortressnaut
These are the stories of the Character from Fortressnauts
He hates humans. She hates robots. His plan involves them working together however.
Ayla want to trick and treat, lucky that there wasn't any missions for the day, so she can as long she's with Derpl and Gnaw, however she would not expect for something to happen. This is a quick story for Halloween 2014, rated K for... One moment that would be gross