Devon protected Mewt for the last year, tutoring him and taking care of him since no one else seemed to care. Naturally, he was tired, even if he wasn't aware of that fact. When a portal opens, a byproduct of a magic book, he ends up in a new Ivilance, one ruled by magic and power. Garbed and possessing the power of the Bangaa, he strives to gain the freedom he lacked in life.
The Gran Grimoire grants it's readers the dreams they seek, something Mewt is glad to see, and even his friends can come along for the ride. Each one quickly finds themselves living their wildest dreams, but as Marche finds out, this paradise may not be what it appears...
Saved by Mewt's father, Kyra and Jake are swept into his fantasy. Will they be able to find each other? Will they find clan life suitable? Will Mewt ever stop bothering Kyra about getting into engagements, or will her temper get the best of her? Rated T for occasional cursing and, obviously, violence.
Marche decides to acquire climate-appropriate clothing. Due to a misunderstanding, everything 'butterfly effect's out of control and all hell breaks loose.
"Shara, apakah aku ini terlihat imut?" / "Tee hee Kalau begitu kenapa tidak kau tanyakan langsung pada Marche saja?" / "Apa! Memangnya apa peduliku dengan pendapatnya?" / "Tentu saja kau peduli, Ritz.." / Dan di saat yang sangat tepat, Marche datang dengan wajah polos nan lugunya. / Fanfic FFTA pertama!