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Luca, Brandon, and Amber haven't heard from Zoey and Kiki in a while. They need to figure out a way to communicate with them.
It's really from the show, to catch a predator. About a pedophile with a teenager as a neighbor.
Kara is a Junior in high school. She is a loner at school and is the only one who doesn't like school spirit. Going to a prep school that's not very good. Who is the new kid across the street? Who is that boy singing? Rated T for language This is a BLACK VEIL BRIDES STORY!
Those lovable lunatics get into some sticky scrapes with some ice-cream. (There's no ChuckleVision category)
Brook quitte New-York pour aller vivre chez sont père une nouvelle vie s'offre a elle avec de nouveau amis .
un joven piloto llamado Jack fue envía do a una misión de localizar y destruir unas instalaciones en las cuales estaba experimentando con tecnología de portales y de antimateria, al ser destruidas las instalaciones se produjo una explocion equivalente a una bomba atómica la cual alcanzo a Jack enviándolo a otro mundo sin saber que pronto conocería una nueva civilización.
great story. kinda romance related
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this light appeared in the distance, it was just a dot of light a bright light that could easily blind me if I got any closer to it. But where does it lead? is one question that I want to answer but I don't know if I should, i have read story's in the news paper recently that so many kids have been attracted to bright lights and been mysteriously entered the house bam they're gone!
(This is a Surviving Jack story, but I put it under #*! My Dad Says because it's based off that.) Dylan Riley is a pretty normal girl, she has three male friends, she loves baseball, wrestling and pretty much acting like a guy sometimes. But for her one friend, she's willing to go from female with male interests to complete makeover.
a quick story about a brother and sister fuck