Three MASK agents along with an agent of VENOM must work together to survive a strange dangerous land from an unknown enemy with more venomous motives.
AU crossover. (2013/17 BBY/18 GrS) In this Ahsoka's Legacy outtake, Jedi, Sith, MASK, and VENOM all converge on the annual Border Brawl Vehicle Race. Will an engaged Ahsoka Tano take a break from planning her upcoming wedding and join the mission? Rated Teen for suggestive banter and cartoon violence. Originally posted on Fanfiction·net. [S39-F31-M15-X4]
Bruce and Boris get stuck in a cave together and have to spend the night. Cuteness ensues. Bruce/Boris
The titans have been on the trail of a strange criminal, when they finally find and confront him...well...uh...
Crossover entre Buck Danny et l'homme qui valait 3 milliards Publication sous forme de missions et plein de personnages d'autres séries a prévoir. la publication de cette fic se fera sous forme de missions, sauf au début ou ce n'est que des enregistrements.
Avventura e romanticismo declinati in un pairing (credo) inedito, ma che per me è sempre stato il migliore: ci saranno Matt Trakker, Vanessa Warfield, un giaguaro, una nebbia misteriosa, parecchio sangue e un finale a sorpresa. Buona lettura!
Il Carnevale di Venezia non è forse il regno privilegiato delle maschere? E allora perché non immaginare anche le nostre familiari M.A.S.K. in una situazione del genere? Gloria Baker ha una speranza. T-BOB ha una missione. Vanessa Warfield ha un segreto. Sly Rax ha un grosso problema. Rating M per una scena di sesso e un po' di parolacce sparse qui e là.
Speculative one-shot teaser scene. When VENOM gives up racing to return to its criminal roots, MASK reinvents itself to battle the rebooted VENOM and offer cyber-security services to prospective clients. On the way to meet a one such client, Matt's newest agent witnesses a VENOM agent's criminal act. No objectionable content. Originally posted on Fanfiction·net. [S37-F29-O16].
Speculative one-shot. Just prior to the episode "Homeward Bound" (Season 2, Episode 3), Ace informs Matt of his decision to be part of the MASK racing team. However, Ace's new vehicle and mask aren't quite ready when Matt sends him to India to meet the newest MASK agent and enjoy some leisure time. No objectionable content. Originally posted on Fanfiction·net. [S34-F26-O15]
Matt invites Dusty along with Gloria, Brad, and Alex to his mansion for dinner. Dusty is a former employee of Trakker Oil and now the current owner of his own pizzeria. Knowing his unique skills, Matt invites Dusty to join the M.A.S.K. team.
This partial scene takes place at a concert arena. Gloria Baker and Alex Sector are attending a rock concert featuring Brad Turner and his band. They have come to persuade Brad to give up his rock career and come back to complete Condor. Included in this scene are a few hints about what happened to the M.A.S.K. team and why it's urgent for Brad to rejoin them.
Excerpt #3 reveals a scene with the V.E.N.O.M. team. It takes place at their headquarters, a rundown auto salvage yard. With Switchblade as his only asset, Mayhem is in desperate need of some other vehicles to execute his plan. With Vanessa Warfield and Nash Gorey obtaining classified documents, he recruits Sly Raxx, Cliff Dagger, and Bruno "Mad Dog" Shepard to build the vehicles.
From pages 30-31 of our script, this scene takes place in Matt Trakker's office at Trakker Oil. Matt has just finished up a meeting with Dusty Hayes. Alex Sector then stops by the office and they review some possible locations for a team headquarters (which we will know eventually as Boulder Hill.)
After almost losing him, Matt starts to realise the feelings for his best friend might be changing. Matt/Bruce Fluff.