Semi AU di mana semua konflik sudah selesai. After story. Damainya pagi hari di sebuah rumah yang hanya dihuni dua orang. Ejekan penuh canda dan tawa menggema keseluruh ruangan. Momen manis yang hanya dinikmati berdua. Secangkir kopi yang terabaikan menjadi saksi bisu kehangatan kedua sejoli yang dimabuk cinta. AlbatRoss/ShionxAlba/CreasionxAlba.
Karena dia adalah matahari yang melelehkan bongkahan es di hatinya, karena dia adalah orang pertama yang menjadi sahabatnya, karena dia telah memberikan kenangan yang indah baginya, karena dia adalah malaikat yang dikirimkan Tuhan untuk menerangi hari-harinya. Ia akan selalu di hatinya, sampai kapanpun. Meskipun, jarak, waktu, dan dimensi memisahkan keduanya. / AU / Oneshoot
[Soulmate AU Ros/Alba] This world was boring and grey. Filled with monochrome hues that he would never understand. Colors were just shades of black and grey to him given names. When suddenly the world slowly started to turn and his world became brighter just seeing an innocent smile and hearing his name.
Alba had always dreamed of being a hero. Ross never wanted to be a part of the mafia. When these two cross paths, Alba will be dragged into something he never believed he could be a part of. In the end though, was it worth it?
In which Sion has cold hands, while Alba's are warm. / Gakuen!Au, one-sided Sion/Alba.
"Aku teringat masa-masa itu… masa-masa dimana kita berjuang untuk bernapas demi kebersamaan yang hampir hilang."/ROSAL/Oneshoot
Aku hanyalah sebilah pisau tua kecil yang terlupakan, namun semua berubah ketika seorang Soldier berambut raven membeliku. Mungkin mereka mengira aku hanyalah benda mati biasa, namun aku mendengar suara mereka, aku mendengar rahasia mereka /a little bit RosAL/ shonen-ai
Crea laughed happily. "But it's actually a good sign, you know?" he said. "Actually, Si-tan is the type to bully the people he likes. He just can't leave the president alone…" He looked like he wanted to add something, but couldn't as Sion grabbed his head with his hands and started crushing it with all his might. / Gakuen!AU; Sion (Ross) x Alba, shounen-ai.
Two months after Rchimedes was sealed, Alba desperately misses Ross, and only has the scrap of his scarf to remember him by. But one night is all he needs to strengthen his resolve. Alba x Ross. One-shot
-Elf- salió tu nombre de mis labios los cuales temblaban sin que yo pudiese hacer nada para detenerlos- Por favor...Levántate-pedí mientras avanzaba hacia donde reposabas alrededor de aquel charco de color rojo- No me enfadaré así que solo despierta y ríete de mi-rogué mientras tomaba tu fría mano buscando algún signo de un pulso que ya se había detenido.- Fic de cumple para Shei
Esto redacta los misterios y problemas que se forman durante los ensayos de una obra creada por Rudolph llamada 'Swedish nisepanda mafia' en la cual participan Ros y Alba. Ocurrirán cosas tan extrañas como un cambio muy repentino en el guión o la aparición de un misterioso fantasma de la opera, además, de trasfondo entre cajas, se desarrollará una historia de amor entre Alba y Ros.
So this is my version of Senyu. Starts of from when they are all traveling together. So Ros has not left them yet. YAY! And this is a boy x boy story because that's just how I do. Don't like it don't read. Rating may change later on.
El primer amor nunca es sencillo, especialmente cuando todos a tu alrededor quieren intervenir. AU. Shion/Alba.
It all began without a goodbye. And things only seemed to escalate from there. "Yer screams...they sound so lovely..." "I knew you'd come for me..." "I'm not him! Can't you see? I'm just me!" "All because of you, Alba is...!" "Shion...why won't you say anything?" Involves many dark themes, including suicide/character death. AlbaXRos/Shion, minor AlbaXTeuffel, highschool AU, angst!
What if, instead of Lake, Elf picked Alba to be the next Demon King? Well now, that would screw up the story quite a bit.
Aquí Ross ya no es el héroe legendario o el soldado real, solo es un chico esperando volver a ver a su héroe. "Ese eres tu, Shion." "Pero seguro tu también quieres, ¿verdad?" "El pasado es pasado..." Pero tal vez el repentino ingreso del alumno #45 a la escuela cambie algo, mientras los recuerdos de aquélla época permanecen en el olvido... [Ross/Alba] [Alba/Shion]
Inadvertently, one of Elf's many gifts to Alf manages to make it across. What's a title.
Alba, Ros - Learning of the meteorite disaster set to occur in a thousand years, Alba decides that desperate times call for desperate measures. But little does he know that he is ill-prepared to deal with what comes of being a little too desperate…
A little OS of Alba's though after Ross dissapeared...
Hati ini menjerit ketika ucapan 'selamat' terlontar dari bibirmu. Meskipun otak bersugesti bahwa kau telah merelakannya, namun kenyataannya hatimu masih mencintainya. / OneSided!ToiAru/TeuffelAlba slight RosAl / WeddingFict / Shonen-ai / Don't like, Don't Read / ONESHOOT
Drabble pendek tentang Ross mengenai mendiang sang ayah. Karena selamanya Ross akan tetap sayang terhadap Rchimedes apapun yang ia lakukan. Selamat hari ayah nasional! Complete.
Es una historia paralela de Senyu en el que segun van pasando los acontecimientos en el anime tu vas saliendo, en otras palabras, te metes en el anime pero sin interferir mucho. Ros x Lectora
Background story to a strange amount of one-shots I will write about the senyuu characters. Basically written to give us the background story of the Albatross in the oneshots! Rated M to be safe. Warnings BEFORE you start reading the fanfiction.
One day without warning, a huge hole appears in the wall And from it emerged many titans The king determined that the titans, who had not attacked the walls in near 100 year must have returned and recruited soldiers to join the garrison, military police and scouting legion. Alba longs to be the hero of humanity and joins the troops to someday join the survey corps and free humanity
AlbatRossRuki - "I wish for your happiness and nothing more." /Happy birthday, Ruki! 8/27.
-Recuerdo que de pequeño imaginaba que combatía a un ser malvado que aterrorizaba a la gente, y así, me convertía en un heroe ¿Pero como puedo combatirlo cuando este se encuentra en mi interior?/-Lo siento/-Quien soy ¿eh?/-Alba...Alba Fruhling. Aquel que es el Maou de este mundo, aquel que lo reconstruirá, aquel que hará caer en la desesperación a todos vosotros,seres inferiores/
Biarkan daging ini terpanggang, biarkan tulang ini membusuk, biarkan darah ini mengalir. Aroma lisianthus menjadi pembimbingku; creamrose, stargazer, iris menjadi jalan setapakku. Aku pasti menemukanmu... /ROSAL/cover from Pixiv/First fict in this fandom, critics greatly appreciated XD
What happens when the Senyuu Characters become parents? Here we see some of the most popular Senyuu ships and their attempts at parenthood, including Albatross, Ares/Teufel, Samejanua and FoyHime
Un Alba que a perdido sus recuerdos. Un Shion que lo busca desesperadamente. Unas confesiones que nunca tuvieron que ser dichas. (Los summary no son lo mio :c )
Alba, Ros - If Alba had managed to stop Ros at that last moment… for a moment.