Prim and Proper Posen...that's what they called her. Except when it comes to THAT DJ. Unguarded and cold...that's what they called Beca. Except when it comes to THAT lawyer.
Stacie and Beca end up going to Miami with the Bella's, and there is more than sun and beaches in store for them. [Stacy/Aubrey] [Becca/Chloe] (Bechloe in the later chapters) Rated T for swearing.
After Mercer tells Kate to take a couple of days to go upstate but before she actually goes she has some time to think. Written for smallfandomflsh #133-Ghost.
After class I always go behind the school to this dried up river to 'study' and do 'homework'. I actually go there to watch Beca Mitchell work on her mixes. Whenever she turns around I act like I'm doing homework or something. I've never talked to her before or anything but she just seems so perfect. I could tell she was different and I liked that. (A short one-shot I did)