Octavian often thought that he too had an affliction. But unlike many others, it felt burdensome and sweet at the same time: his wayward love for his own sister. Octavian/Octavia. Set during the events of late Season 1. Story rating might go up later. Warning: contains incest and references to Greco-Roman mythology.
What would happen if a large group of sith survive and fled into wild space and meat the greatest empire that ever walked the face of our blue planet.
[One-shot] Not even war and time could ever erase the everlasting memories and presence of Lucius Vorenus's life from Owen Hunt's soul
Octavian keeps his bloodied trophy trapped in the cellar. AnthonyxOctavian, postRome AU
Traduction de la fic "One night in Gaul". Un Brutus totalement ivre et un Cesar un peu perdu...voilà ce que ça donne. Attention: INCESTE donc que ceux qui n'aiment pas s'abstiennent.
Pullo's thoughts on blood and how deeply he's affected when it robs him of what's most precious in his life. *WARNING: refers to a minor character's death*
Hadrian's women... a story idea I've been playing around with for a while now.