Natsuki Kasuga seeks her destiny...
Una pesadilla, recuerdos del pasado, hizo que Kagura Tsuchimiya se despertara en plena noche gritando. Pero Yomi estaba a su lado para tranquilizarla.
Kagura falls asleep after training, and dreams about Yomi. Kensuke is there when she wakes up, and she wants to thank him...? Set in the Juugondō arc when the Agency has to hide out in the cabin. Rated T so people can't yell at me for inappropriate rating. My first one-shot! *-*
Together at last, Yomi has an instinctive fear of losing all that she loves. However, in a different time, as different people, love is finally allowed to grow. AU. Futa-YomixKagura. Smut. Request. One-shot.