The diary of Maximillian Arturo, after being stranded on a world much like ours.
The Doctor, Rose, and the Slider's gang are still stuck on a parallel world where the Daleks invaded Earth. No TARDIS, No Timer, the Doctor and his friends have no choice but to fight the Daleks and end their occupation.
The original Quinn returns out of nowhere, with Colin knowing more than he lets on.
This is the story of redemption in a world without windmills
Within the Multi-Verse, there is turbulence on the tracks and a rip in the road. As Corinth is put on alert, only one individual has the necessary understanding to save the city, but can he be trusted when his double could not?
In a United States where women never got the right to vote, Maggie and Wade get arrested for fraud for "artificial enhancements" to their appearance.
I started writing this when I was nine, lost the document, and am now retyping it will a bunch of changes to make it better. This is not only about Sliders, but a whole lot of other shows and movies as well!