Thank you for your patience Mr. Kurosaki. This call has been monitored for six minutes and forty-eight seconds. Your world is now con-nec-ted.
What if Harry had been taken to Japan by his paranoid relatives, afraid that he'd blow up their house while they are away? What if he had answered a shady questionnaire? What if he became a Drifter? Rater M for crude language, some violence, and overall, just to be safe.
No one knows what kind of future each of us have. Let me put this in a simple way. A boy has a future with helping others. Those friends are the Ageha Yoshina and his girlfriend Sakurako Amamiya. It's not him that's the important part of the adventure. He is just a nice way to change an otherwise gory adventure.
A good month before Harry gets back from Hogwarts, Dudley is bored, and stuck for things to do. His friends are still in their term, and boxing practice can only take up so many hours in a day... So when he finds an opportunity to pick up some big money, he wastes no times landing himself in a game of time travel, psychic powers, and a possible death with an unmarked grave.
Marie is caught touching herself by Kyle while she thought about Ageha. Kyle then informs her that Ageha told him he likes experience girls so Marie asks Kyle to help her become more experience. IF YOU DON'T LIKE DON'T READ OR COMMENT.