This is a ship fanfiction of Alice from American Mcgee's game and Red from "Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries" game. Red's real name is Blanchette, but in this story it's her last name and I gave her an unreal name. Everything here is just fan-made, remember that! And no, this is not "Alice mare". I had to put a random category for reasons. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this garbage. - -
Après être revenu du Pays des Rêves, un enfant fait le tour des chambres de l'orphelinat. Toutes les chambres, quand bien même quelqu'un y dort.
Suasana membosankan menyelimuti panti asuhan itu. Sampai akhirnya Letty mengusulkan suatu permainan yang sebenarnya biasa, namun tak lazim… /summary ancur
Miró toda la habitación, como si miraba un cuarto que fuese a dejar para siempre. Entonces volvió su mirada al rostro del mayor. — Hasta entonces… Buenas noches, Profesor. —Susurró con suavidad mientras escuchaba un auto que se acercaba. — Nos veremos… tal vez más pronto de lo que crees… Allen. —Dijo aquel niño antes de que ingresara Cliff. — Nos vemos pronto… David. —Dijo Allen...
Alice tidak stabil. Alice merepotkan. Apa karena Alice terlalu banyak? Mungkin cukup aku saja yang menjadi Alice. /SPOILER BAGI YANG BELOM TAU ENDING "CHESHIRE CAT", drabble, semacam sekuel ending tsb, OOC?, mistypo?/
This story is gay. Seriously. Made for laughs and wtf moments. (You can even cry if you want to. Lots of slash and dumb things for the bored asswipe inside me)
She was there because she was an orphan like them, or was she? He was protecting her from that lying monster, or was he? Magical dragons and dreams that want to kill you don't exist, or do they? The story of a lie-eating dragon and an amnesiac dreamer. "Oh, Alice, didn't ya know? You can't xxxx without lyin!" A LiEat/Alice Mare fic! Efina/Allen/William!