If your Grave doesn't say "Rest in Peace" your automatically drafted into the skeleton war. Oliver, a poor foot solider was killed in the line of duty. He was given only a marker for his grave, now he is forced into a undead war against the demons of hell and has to keep them from entering our world. I suck at summaries, just read it!
A revolution breaks out in China in the year 2137. Beijing is taken and the revolution is growing fast with Chinese troops spread thin and disorganized. Help from other countries is pouring in to help the revolution. But will it make a difference? How far is China willing to go to stop the revolution, and can the the revolution leader, Zemin Actoa, win?
When the United Citizens was created to prevent more world wars from happening, everyone thought it was a great idea all except Zio who staged an rebellion. He recruited his friends from the other islands' squadrons. But is this enough to overthrow the idea of an world alliance? and who betrayed all of them?