Slowly touching the golden handle of the giant white painted door, he haltingly opened. Drumming on key to key. Music came like a pang in his ears as Dejavu slowly overtook his senses. Heart fluttering rapidly. He heard such a familiar tune that he couldn't put his finger on. But it somehow had changed. It was different yet the same. It was his music. But with more notes...
What started as an attempt to welcome young Mozart to Vienna became something much, much more.
One-shot. We learn in his dying moments that Mozart's thoughts are for more composed than he would like some to believe. Rated T for death.
Old Salieri is dying and wants his name to be cleaned of the rumors about Mozart's death.
Amadeus based little poem
An Amadeus- Phantom of the Opera crossover. Erik- Salieri, Mozart- Raoul, Christine - Catherina.