贫穷文学,真南北无差,坚定上下党勿入 预警:边缘性行为;母子边缘乱伦;防雷慎入 【已把原番外和第六章合并为一章】
暗涌 案件八 不是案件的案件八
暗涌 案件七 然后天空又再涌起密云
暗涌 案件六 我想成为你,哪怕死亡
暗涌 案件五 白雪公主没忘记
暗涌 案件四 G for Guns
暗涌 案件三 樱桃之殁
暗涌 案件二 真假经纪人
After following a suspect into a vacant house, Detective Sergeant Ballard becomes an unwilling participant in a fight against evil. *Written for The spook me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon 2014 and 10 hurt comfort*
On a dark but not so stormy night, Russo and Ballard become hostages to a man who would rather die than spend more time in jail. Time runs out when Ballard is injured, his life in danger as Russo tries to negotiate their release.