SWAT Kittens
926.5k words
Raiting: T
14 Aug 2022
20 May 2014
Chapter #2
Realization Part Two
Story has been removed. Please return to details page and try original source page - it might be available there.
SWAT Kittens
219 Chapters
Updated 14 Aug 2022
926.5k words
Chapter 1
1.6k words
Realization Part Two
2.6k words
Author's Note
51 words
Protective Custody Part One
1.3k words
Protective Custody Part Two
2.3k words
Protective Custody Part Three
3.8k words
2.2k words
Turmoil's Rescue
2.3k words
2.4k words
Waking with a Angel
2.8k words
Chapter 11
4.3k words
Dating a SWAT Kat
2.3k words
Turmoil's Story
3.8k words
Breakfast with a Ring
3.4k words
Hard Drive's attempt and Two New Heroes
2.9k words
Trouble at Pumadyne
3.2k words
The Sleeping Princess Awakens
3.6k words
Grandma's Back
2.4k words
A Plan Crazy Enough it Might Work
3.7k words
The Ultimatum
2k words
A Trip Back Home
4.4k words
Celebration Dinner
3.5k words
Empress' Heart and Caliber's Awakening
2.9k words
Best Made Plans Fail
4k words
Shopping Fun
4.3k words
T-Bone's plans and Jake's big question
2.7k words
T-Bone and Callie's Pain
3.7k words
Grandma's Pissed and training starts
5.1k words
Training continues and Engagement news
4.2k words
Bonus Chapter
4.3k words
Second Author's note
107 words
Training Continues & a SWAT Kat is born
2.6k words
Hawaiian Vacation and Friendship Changes
3.9k words
Hawaiian Holliday and Turmoil's Distract
3.5k words
Felina's Surprize Anouncement
3.9k words
Last Night in Paradise
5.1k words
Persival's Love Interest
4.3k words
T-Bone's Heroism is tested
3.3k words
Bonding time and Ulysses question
3.5k words
Callista's Magical Shopping Trip
4.9k words
Dark Kat's plans start
6k words
Caliber's New Toy
5.9k words
The Begining of Dark Kat's End
5.6k words
Chance's Judging
6.5k words
T-Bone's Recovery and Caliber's Reveal
3.1k words
Katerina's New Sentence
4.5k words
Callie's big New's
4.3k words
Katerina's First Day of Freedom
5.2k words
Ulysses has had enough and Welcome Tina!
5.6k words
Felina's Friendship is Tested
3.9k words
Romance Found
4k words
Callista's slip up and Tina's reveal
5.2k words
Dark Kat's screwed
3.6k words
Callie Oversteps Her Bounds
4.8k words
Declaration of Love
3.6k words
The New Recruits Prove Themselves
6.7k words
Ulysses Meet Persival and Welcome Sniper
7.5k words
Dinner Starts and Callie Holds a Kitten
6.6k words
Ulysses' Big Question
3.4k words
Ulysses' Question is Answered
5.6k words
Mark and Lisa's First Meeting
6.1k words
Bast's Secret and Amelia's Back
4.2k words
Dark Kat's and Jones' Demise
4.9k words
Callista's Secret is Revealed
5.6k words
Planning Starts
4.3k words
Ptah Makes his Debut
5.1k words
Ulysses Fixes a Mistake
5.1k words
Candice's Confession & Mark's Reflection
4.4k words
Confessions of Love
4.1k words
SWAT Deploy
4.2k words
Secrets Revealed
4.6k words
Dinner Time
4.2k words
Empress has Reached her Limit
4k words
Empress gets questioned and New Love
5.3k words
Pirouette's Surgery
4.4k words
Adonis' Torment and Dreams
3.9k words
Life Returns to Normal Sort of
4.4k words
Persival's Question & Adonis Breaksdown
4.6k words
The Society Makes a Desperate Move
4.5k words
Felina's Attempt at Being Domestic
5.2k words
Saturday Morning
5k words
Saturday Morning Continued
4.6k words
Callista's Big Heart and Sharp Teeth
3.9k words
Tina and Katerina do what?
5.6k words
Sarah's Smile and Tina's Dream
4.5k words
Morning at the house
3k words
Candice's Family Part One
4.9k words
Pirouette's Nurse is more than she seems
4k words
Love Has no Bounds & Sarah's New Pet
3.6k words
Arrival at the House & Swiming Time
3.6k words
Persival and Isis meet everyone
3.9k words
Chapter 92
5.4k words
Lisa's Discharged and Welcome Sensei
4.2k words
Meet The Parents & Felina's Cooking
4k words
Felica's Torment
4.7k words
Ulysses Gets Taught a Lesson
3.6k words
Callista's Spell Wears Off
4.6k words
Susan Gets Set Straight
3.6k words
Love Blooms in the Quarter
6.1k words
The Date Starts!
4k words
Pizza Time!
4.5k words
Author's Appology
65 words
Pirouette and Adonis Get What?
5.8k words
Sarah Goes to Bed
2.5k words
Katerina's Nightmare
4.6k words
Not Everyone Agrees with David
4k words
Sunday Morning at the Thibideau's
3.9k words
Apprentice Earns her Name
4.3k words
Trouble in Paradise
4.2k words
Doll Trouble
4.2k words
Time to go Home
5.9k words
Meet the Parents
4.4k words
Personalities Clash & Mom meets Inferno
4.4k words
Felicia Proves her Worth
3.9k words
Inferno's Playful & Tim's Proposal
3.7k words
Sally gets some interesting news
3.2k words
Sensei is Born and Apprentice is Tested
4.7k words
Felicia meets Callista
3.4k words
Callista's Story & Candice's Nervousness
7.9k words
Litterbin and Bookstore Mission
5.9k words
Michael's Plan
3.9k words
Callista's Impromtu Dance Party
4.6k words
Tina's Modeling Debut
7.4k words
Training Starts
4.5k words
Love at First Sight
3.4k words
A Celebration and Awakening
2.6k words
The Wedding Planner
4k words
Mother Troubles and Frightened Lioness
5.6k words
Hello, Goodbye Rodney
4.9k words
Four New Heroes Emerge
3.9k words
Stacy's Secret
4.1k words
The Begining of the End
4.3k words
Evelyn's Pain
4.1k words
Angel's Story
3.1k words
SWAT Attack!
3.6k words
Rolf Gets Sprung
4k words
A Romantic Dinner Turns out Wrong
4.2k words
Helen's Secret & Meet Spencer
4k words
What is it about Make Out Point?
4.2k words
Artemis' New Life & Felina's Pissed!
3.8k words
The Talk & Sensei Flies Solo
5.8k words
Felicia Awakens and Morning Flight
4.1k words
Evelyn's Future is Revealed
3.6k words
Sure-Shot is Born
3.5k words
Havoc and Sniper's Training
3.7k words
Artemis' Interview & Mark's Bad Day
3.8k words
First of Many Weddings
5.9k words
The Reception Party
4.7k words
Jasmine's Tale
4.8k words
Jasmine's Story
5.8k words
Mark's Ride & Kitten Mayhem
5.1k words
A New Day in MegaKat City
4.2k words
David's Torment
3k words
Roger Meets a SWAT Kat
4k words
Chapter 155
3.1k words
Wedding Number Two
4.2k words
The Reception
4.4k words
The Meeting of the Minds
4.5k words
The Adoption Drive
5k words
Meet the Grandparents
3.8k words
Mrs Fredericks Meets Gwendlyn
2.5k words
Tina's Confession & Mark's Workout
4.4k words
Mark and Lisa's Honeymoon trip
4k words
Hospital Stay in Nikko
2.7k words
Welcome Home!
4.7k words
The Move In
4.3k words
New Mission
2.4k words
Mark and Lisa's First Fight
4.1k words
Spencer's Mate
4.2k words
New Addition
4.6k words
Diamonds in the Rough
4.8k words
The Diamond's First Mistake
4.3k words
The Diamond's Final Mistate
4.3k words
Tina asks for help & Raphael visitor
3.3k words
Katerina's Breakdown
5.4k words
Final Prepeations
4.2k words
Diamonds Crumble PT 1
5.7k words
Diamonds Crumble PT 2
5.5k words
7k words
Not is all what it seems
5.4k words
Callista's Center's Dedication
5.4k words
Sure-Shot's Heart
4.9k words
Mark's Party
4.5k words
Jasmine's into to SWAT
2.8k words
Peperations to Go Home
4.8k words
Callista's Indoctrination
2.7k words
Callista Chooses Her Detail
3.8k words
Jake's Downfall & Artemis' Demise
4k words
Damon Said What?
3.5k words
Kittens Round 1 or 2?
4k words
Artemis' Lawyer & the Birth
5k words
Artemis' and the kitten's' Release
3.6k words
The Kittens' Welcome Party
3.4k words
Sure-Shot & Acrobat Jump into Action
6.2k words
The Next Day
4.1k words
T-Bone's Stupid Challenge
5.6k words
Meet Alex Clawson
3.6k words
Felina gets discharged
3.6k words
David has Overstepped
3.7k words
Felicia has met her match
5.4k words
Pride Day Continued
5.3k words
Kunoichi's Test
5.9k words
Evelyn's Gratitude
4.3k words
Damon's Confession
3.5k words
A Dual Wedding and a Surprise
5.4k words
A Kitten is Born!
4.8k words
Weaver is Born
6.6k words
Fred and Adrienne meet Katherine
4.5k words
Lisa Gets Discahrged
3.9k words
Katherine Comes Home
3.9k words
Anne's Plan and Welcome Gregg
3.4k words
The Harper's Mission Starts
2.9k words
Gregg Steps up his Game
3.8k words
Anne Corners SWAT
3.2k words
Marissa's Proposal and Sean Gets Dumped
4.4k words
Abigale's Introduction
5k words
Abigale's Introduction Cont
4.7k words
Abigale Gets a New Name
6.5k words
Welcome Whirlwind & Anne's 2nd Interview
6.7k words