Warrior Ladies' Man Potter
19k words
Raiting: T
8 Oct 2022
8 Feb 2021
Chapter #42
Harry and Older Gabrielle 4 (Part 3)
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Warrior Ladies' Man Potter
135 Chapters
Updated 8 Oct 2022
19k words
Harry and Fleur 1
110 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 1
164 words
Harry and Daphne 1
316 words
Harry and Tonks 1 (Not Romantic)
216 words
Harry and Hermione 1
125 words
Harry and Molly Request (Not Romantic)
221 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 2
115 words
Harry and Parvati 1
114 words
Harry and Hermione 2
106 words
Harry and ? 1 (Not Romantic)
118 words
Harry and Tonks 2 (Not Romantic)
294 words
Harry and Ginny 1 (Part 1)
224 words
Harry and Ginny 1 (Part 2)
286 words
Harry and Ginny 1 (Part 3)
177 words
Harry and Tracey Davis 1 (Requested)
112 words
Harry and Fleur 2 (Part 1)
214 words
Harry and Fleur 2 (Part 2)
221 words
Harry and Fleur 2 (Part 3)
255 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 3
119 words
Harry and Lavender 1
105 words
Harry and Susan 1
108 words
Harry and Padma 1
107 words
Harry and Minerva 1 (Not Romantic)
213 words
Harry and Daphne 2 (Part 1)
118 words
Harry and Daphne 2 (Part 2)
122 words
Harry and Daphne 2 (Part 3)
108 words
Harry and Lavender 2
106 words
Harry and Fleur 3 (Part 1)
110 words
Harry and Fleur 3 (Part 2)
108 words
Harry and Parvati 2
106 words
Harry and Hannah 1 (Part 1)
125 words
Harry and Hannah 1 (Part 2)
143 words
Harry and Susan 2
233 words
Harry and Pansy 1 (Part 1)
132 words
Harry and Pansy 1 (Part 2)
108 words
Harry and Pansy 1 (Part 3)
109 words
Harry and Fleur 4
104 words
Harry and Tonks 3 (Not Romantic)
132 words
Harry and Parvati 3
105 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 4 (Part 1)
115 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 4 (Part 2)
116 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 4 (Part 3)
111 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 4 (Part 4)
223 words
Harry and Narcissa 1 (Not Romantic)
163 words
Harry and Hermione 3
118 words
Harry and Madam Pince 1 (Not Romantic)
121 words
Harry and Susan 3
102 words
Harry and Lavender 3 (Part 1)
179 words
Harry and Lavender 3 (Part 2)
123 words
Harry and Hermione 4 (Not Romantic)
296 words
Harry and Padma 2
108 words
Harry and Ginny 2
131 words
Harry and Cho 1
120 words
Harry and Millicent 1
108 words
Harry and Daphne 3 (Part 1)
121 words
Harry and Daphne 3 (Part 2)
109 words
Harry and Daphne 3 (Part 3)
105 words
Harry and Katie 1
111 words
Harry and Hannah 2 (Part 1)
113 words
Harry and Hannah 2 (Part 2)
100 words
Harry and Hannah 2 (Part 3)
100 words
Harry and Hannah 2 (Part 4)
126 words
Harry and Fleur 5
102 words
Harry and Cho 2 (Part 1)
144 words
Harry and Cho 2 (Part 2)
100 words
Harry and Tonks 4 (Not Romantic)
100 words
Harry and Lavender 4
407 words
Harry and Hermione 5
104 words
Harry and Luna 1 (Part 1)
103 words
Harry and Luna 1 (Part 2)
137 words
Harry and Amelia 1 (Not Romantic)(Part 1
292 words
Harry and Amelia 1 (Not Romantic)(Part 2
107 words
Harry and Amelia 1 (Not Romantic)(Part 3
106 words
Harry and Amelia 1 (Not Romantic)(Part 4
105 words
Harry and Amelia 1 (Not Romantic)(Part 5
172 words
Harry and Tracey 2
117 words
Harry and Daphne 4
102 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 5
213 words
Harry and Parvati 4
141 words
Harry and Hermione 6
101 words
Harry and Hannah 3
102 words
Harry and Fleur 6
102 words
Harry and Apolline 1 (Not Romantic)
101 words
Harry's Dream
128 words
Harry and Ginny 3
214 words
Harry and Hermione 7 (Not Romantic)
226 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 6
100 words
Harry and Fleur 7 (Part 1)
102 words
Harry and Fleur 7 (Part 2)
104 words
Harry and Luna 2
185 words
Harry and Susan 4
241 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 7
103 words
Harry and Daphne 5
101 words
Harry and Tonks 5 (Not Romantic)
100 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 8
100 words
Harry and Hermione 8
103 words
Harry and Luna 3
117 words
Harry and Lily 1 (Not Romantic)
100 words
Harry and Fleur 8
101 words
100th Chapter Special
228 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 9
102 words
Harry and Katie 2
279 words
Harry and Padma 3
102 words
Harry and Pansy 2
100 words
Harry and Astoria 1 (Request)
103 words
Harry and Lily 2 (Not Romantic)
114 words
Harry and Millicent 2
103 words
Harry and Hermione 9
166 words
Harry and Susan 5 (Part 1)
115 words
Harry and Susan 5 (Part 2)
194 words
Harry and Hannah 4
231 words
Harry and Ginny 4 (Part 1)
101 words
Harry and Ginny 4 (Part 2)
100 words
Harry and Parvati 5
105 words
Harry and Hannah 5
100 words
Harry and Older Gabrielle 10
167 words
Harry and Hermione 10
182 words
Harry and Myrtle 1
128 words
Harry and Susan 6 (Not Romantic)
103 words
Harry and Susan 7
100 words
Harry and Pansy 3
104 words
Harry and Hannah 6
179 words
Harry and Padma 4
175 words
Harry and Fleur 9 (Part 1)
101 words
Harry and Fleur 9 (Part 2)
204 words
Harry and Fleur 9 (Part 3)
178 words
Harry and Fleur 9 (Part 4)
122 words
Harry and ? 2 (Part 1)
101 words
Harry and ? 2 (Part 2)
135 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 1
100 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 2
104 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 3
106 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 4
101 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 5
105 words
Harry and Tonks 6 (Not Romantic) Part 6
102 words