Angel N Darkness

  • Overworked

    Hermione is overworked... Written for the 200 characters in 200 days challenge on HPFCF!

  • Trial of a Lifetime

    Harry turns his hearing around on those that deserve... Watch as he gets payback on those who have used him, lied to him, and tried to slander his good name... If you don't like Dumbledore bashing then this story is not for you!

  • Why Only Me

    Parvati wants to know why only she and not her sister is subjected to an arranged marriage... Written for Charms class assignment 2 on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.

  • All About Adrian

    There will be 14 drabbles in this collection... Each drabble will pair Adrian up with someone different... It may be romantic or it may be platonic... Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry's 2 Week Drabble Wars

  • Harry and Gryffindor House Punish and Banish Ron

    Harry and Gryffindor House ban together to punish Ron and banish him from their house after he did something to dishonor one of their own! THERE WILL BE RON BASHING SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE DON'T READ! AU! Alludes to an assault!

  • Movie and a Cuddle

    After a slight argument/disagreement Harry and Parvati have a night in.

  • Victory

    Oliver was happy to share the victory he felt over beating the other Quidditch team with the woman he loves with all his heart.

  • You Are Magnificent

    Finally engaged to the woman he loves Harry couldn't be happier. However he still has doubts about himself. "You are magnificent. Crazy, but magnificent." Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and The If You Dare Challenge on HPFCF!

  • Do You Hear Me?

    Harry feels like everything he says goes unheard but especially by the boy who was his supposed male best friend. Writter for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry Charms class.

  • Love Looks Good On You

    Harry and Hermione have a talk about how love looks good on both of them... Platonic Harry/Hermione

  • In His Arms and His Heart

    Hermione feels safe in his arms and in his heart.

  • Get Over It

    Hermione finally lets loose on Ron... Ron bashing if you don't like don't read!

  • Fake Friendship

    Harry is tired of fake friendships and finally lets loose. Contains bashing of Ron and Ginny! If you don't like don't read!

  • A Talk With a Centaur

    Harry has a talk with Bane.

  • Thunderstorm

    Harry loves thunderstorms.

  • No Longer

    Dumbledore finally gets the words coming to him and realizes just what he has done.

  • Guilty Truth

    Harry finally loses his temper and lets Ginny have it.

  • Glass

    A glass breaks.

  • Dead but Not Dead

    Hermione is held by the man she loves as she looks out over the Hogwarts grounds after the final battle.

  • Uproar

    What does Hermione do that causes an uproar?