
  • Self Control

    "I don't think I ever fancied Lavender and that's partly the problem. If I care more for you than her, what does that say about our relationship?" :Oneshot RHr duringHBP:

  • The Extra Ones

    It may have taken Rose and Scorpius a long time to get anything right, but there are unfinished stories to tend to… :Companion piece to 'Getting it Right' you need to have read that first Scorpius/Rose NextGen COMPLETE:

  • Shine a Light!

    AU: Hermione meets her new roommates' brother, Ron, who now lives across the hall from her. There's a whole lot of pie, shining lights and drinking over the course of several mind-shattering hours. RHr, HG, oneshot.

  • Hot Drinks at the Kitchen Table

    Various Weasley's meet for a hot drink in the middle of the night, following the first few months after the war. :WeasleyFRIENDship includes RHr HG and others postDH:

  • That One Time I Fell In Love

    (And Other Impossible Things). Fred Weasley II finally meets his match in the form of one loud-mouthed and free-spirited, Emma Terry. [NextGen GIR World COMPLETE]

  • Opposites Attract

    He's just awkwardly confessed his love for her. She's just turned him down. They have nothing in common … he decides to prove her wrong. :Rose/Scorpius, inspired by 'Pride & Prejudice', Complete:

  • So dark we forget who we are

    When he said all those things … I don't know, I just panicked! / And started singing Abba. :Oneshot RoseScorpius NextGen:

  • When James Met Libby

    "Mate, I have no idea why I'm telling you a love story." :James.S.P/OC recommended reading with GIR and CGIR (but not essential) NextGen Complete:

  • Good Cop, Bad Cop

    Aurors Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy are partners. Together, they catch killers. You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other, that is. :Series of connected oneshots R/S NextGen:

  • Buried

    "… that one time we got buried alive together?" Aurors Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy find themselves in a bit of a tight spot. :Oneshot R/S same universe as 'If You're Reading This':

  • Much Ado About Rosie

    When the bloody HELL had this happened? Why hadn't he noticed? How could she–? Why didn't–? Just – WHAT? :Oneshot Rose/Scorpius, based on a scene from 'Much Ado About Nothing':

  • Sometimes

    Sometimes, Rose wondered how much longer they could do this back and forth thing until one of them explosively snapped. :Rose/Scorpius NextGen Complete:

  • Domestic Bliss

    Nothing was ever a scene of domestic bliss in the Weasley house. :Oneshot RHr, because nothing, not even JKR, can kill this ship:

  • Conclusion to Getting it Right

    Six years later, I'm still best friends with Bea, still cousins with Al and still in love with Scorpius Malfoy. Oh, and still trying to get it right. My conclusion … oh, I don't bloody know. :Scorpius/Rose sequel to GIR postDH NextGen Complete:

  • The Photo

    Three times Rose tries to understand the anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts, and the one time she actually does. Hermione & Rose, oneshot.

  • Christmas versus Rose

    In which Scorpius finds himself at a muggle pub on Christmas Eve, hating everything from the cheesy carols, to his now ex-girlfriend. Scorpius/Rose, oneshot.

  • All the Time In the World

    People are brought together and lives are shattered during the first 24 hours after the war. [RHr, HG & others]

  • Adventures

    Every weekend they would go on an adventure. "The mer-people have stolen the most important thing in the world to you. What did they take?" "… you." :RHr takes place during an AU postDH:

  • The Crying One

    "Bloody hell, are you crying?" Rose/Scorpius, missing moment from GIR, oneshot.

  • Heartbeat

    Feel it? / Your heartbeat? / It's going just as fast as yours. [RHr, oneshot, postDH]