

  • Curses, Foiled Again 3: The Princess' Rondo

    Voldemort might not even go to this school, but he does have a lot of feelings. Feelings of MURDEROUS RAGE!

  • Curses, Foiled Again 2: The Electric Boogaloo

    Harry might not be at the Dursley's any more, but Voldemort isn't going to let that stop his completely ineffectual murder attempts. He's just going to have to get a little creative is all.

  • Curses, Foiled Again

    Harry Potter and the Not-So-Deadly Summer Holidays

  • The One Where Harry Gets Sorted into Slytherin

    In which Harry's sorting goes a bit awry, but rather better than anyone expected.

  • Some Nights

    Neville never regrets marrying Hannah. Drabble with a good mix of Neville/Hannah and Neville/Luna.

  • The Stinging Habits of the Western Honey Bee

    When a honey bee makes the choice not to sting a little boy it will set in motion a chain of events that may save thousands of lives or may lead to Snape delivering Harry his Hogwarts letter instead of Hagrid, one of the two .

  • Always and Forever

    "'You do still love me, don't you.' 'Always and forever Gellert.'" Because apparently death is full of fluff.

  • Between Love and Hero Worship

    A Ginny introspective considering how her feels might have grown from hero worship of the Boy-Who-Lived into actual love for Harry.

  • The People He's Killed

    "Harry Potter doesn't know any more how many people he's killed." An introspective piece if Harry was a little less well adjusted than he let on.

  • Bitterness and Rough Edges

    "When the end finally came, and he was leaking secrets and confessions like silver thread and staring into a pair of emerald green eyes, it didn't feel like he was dying." A short and surprisingly morbid character study of Severus Snape.

  • His Last Moments

    Musings on what Dumbledore might have been thinking right before he died.

  • All That He Had Left

    All he knew was that the sound of a soothing voice, the gentle rocking of the chair, and the weight in his arms were the only things that mattered, all that he had left.