
  • Baptism

    It takes more than water to wash away the stains of hell. Scarlett and George, immediately after the movie.

  • Apricots

    Cernd runs away and breaks both of their hearts. Cernd/F!Charname. Throwback fic, originally posted the week of 14 October 2002 on The Attic.

  • Spectacles

    Anna has to get glasses, and she's not happy about it.

  • Dili

    The asylum's littlest resident ruminates on her situation. Set in Spellhold during BGII. Throwback fic originally published 30 June 2003 for the weekly quiz on The Attic.

  • Snow Angels

    What does one do after cheating death? Make snow angels, of course. Kristanna.

  • Snow Globe

    Drabble in which eight-year-old Anna wishes she could spend Christmas with Elsa, and stops by to give her a gift.

  • Bruised Knuckles

    "Why does it hurt to hit people?" Kaatje learns there are more important things than getting even. Set in Imnesvale during BGII. Throwback fic originally published 02 January 2005.

  • Ink

    Mulan gets a tattoo, struggles to reconcile her identity, and has a surprising chat with her father. A dark and heartwarming AU ending to the movie.

  • This Page Intentionally Left Blank

    Sam finds an unexpected way to deal with his hallucinations of Lucifer. Set during 07x17, The Born-Again Identity. Trigger warning: graphic violence and psychological torture.

  • Fathoms Deep With Sorrow

    Castiel is sent to intervene when Gabriel takes it upon himself to teach the Winchester boys a lesson. Gabriel, the older brother that he is, teaches Castiel a few lessons as well. Set during 03x11, Mystery Spot.

  • Death By Brother

    Sam thought watching Dean die over and over was the worst thing ever. He was wrong. Set during 03x11, Mystery Spot. Trigger warning: suicide.