Mary West

  • Why won't Alohamora open this door?

    Ginny is crying in the bathroom. For a Dyno drabble femslash series.

  • The Longest Day

    The consequences of Snape's actions have come crashing down onto him, and he's gone to Hogwarts to try and save his love. Set in the summer of 1980. One from the Plot Bunny Love series.

  • Lucius Malfoy And The Wibbly Wobbly Wand

    Written by my dear husband in what can only be considered a moment of insanity. There really is no way to describe this... Podcast available at members (dot)optusnet(dot)com(dot)au(backslash)edward(underscore)dujean(backslash)Podcasts(backslash)

  • The Talk

    Silly verse with Hermione and Severus discussing something important on his birthday...

  • Darkness Past

    Luna, her soul still damaged after the final battle, has bought an old Children's Home outside a grubby mill town. Hermione is helping her turn it into a refuge, but someone who had been there as a child comes back. EWE, Opaljade's TPP bid win.

  • The Night Before Smutmas

    I was supposed to write 250 words - I ended up with a 14 verse poem. Oops. It's Snape/Luna/Hermione, and it's rather naughty...

  • We Three

    For the snape ldws Christmas exchange. 250 words. The prompt was "het, gen, Snape/Hermione, Snape/Luna, SS/HG/LM, SS/HG/LL; I'm in the mood for fluff, maybe a little smutty." Consider all the prompts met.

  • House Elf Blues

    For the LJ snape ldws Christmas exchange - I was teasing the mod with "Kreacher and Snape", and then a plot bunny ran past...

  • Legacy

    The grandsons of Harry and Draco have created chaos at Hogwarts, and Professors Hermione and Severus must work out what really happened. From the celebrate sshg LJ community.

  • Still Life with Dogs

    Lucius is injured, Narcissa has left him, and he and Draco have run out of money. Desperate times lead to desperate measures. After all, the dogs have to eat. From Livejournal's 2010 Lucius Big Bang.

  • Dragon Taming

    Someone on the HP Hallowe'en exchange wanted a Charlie/Neville cross, under 200 words, preferrably at the Dragon Pens. It's not very Hallowe'en-y, but it meets the other parts. Very slightly different from the posted version on LJ.

  • A Cold December, 1977

    Severus Snape has been called back to his home town of Spinner's End by the Muggle authorities. Written for the "Obviously Snape" Challenge 4 - Avada Kedavra

  • Reliable

    My very deliberate attempt to write a non-popular pairing for the Dyno drabbles LJ Canon Pairing month.

  • The snitch

    For the canon-pairing LJ Dyno Drabbles.

  • De Profundis

    For the "Canon Pairing" drabbles on LJ's Dyno drabbles.

  • Changes

    Hermione is sick and tired of being "Hermione the Heroine" and wants someone to love her for herself. Or at least not because she's One of the Trio. Written for a Dramoine Challenge, slightly AU as I had to tweak a couple of dates. Sex scene.

  • Plans

    Draco has the weekend free, and doesn't want to spend it alone. PWP, and very silly, written in response to the "Plot Bunny" of "The Golden Trio".

  • Snape in Drabbles

    From the Livejournal Snape Last Drabble Writer Standing competition, based on the Deadly Sins.

  • Summer's Lease

    Written for the "Not a Mary Sue" challenge on the Livejournal group Set just after "Goblet of Fire" and before the start of "Order of the Phoenix"

  • Next Door

    Severus Snape is in that space between finishing school and starting life as an adult. He doesn't know where to go, so he's gone home for the first time in 7 years.