
  • Christmas Gifts

    Buffy's mother invites a certain bleach blond vampire over for Christmas dinner, unaware of the smoochies already transpiring between the Big Bad and the Slayer. What could possibly go wrong? A one-shot in an AU Spuffy Season 5. Adapted as a stand-alone from the Christmas scene in 'Five Words or Less' (Chapter 17).

  • Dangerous, and You Know It

    College is a whole new adventure for Sunnydale's Slayer. New classes, new friends… and a illegally hot history professor who seems to know more about her than he reveals, and whose list of secrets rival Buffy's. Will they give in to their forbidden love? Of course they will; this is a Spuffy fic, duh. Inspired by marilynmay's Buffy/Smallville prof!Spike gif set. Not All!Human.

  • Give Me a Reason

    Death took one. Magic consumes the other. And left in the wake of these losses are two broken people hoping for love and acceptance, and finding it where they least expected. An AU BTVS season 6, canon through "The Gift". Rating is T for now, maybe will go up to M. First chapter is very short, just to see if there's enough interest for me to dig some more out of my head.

  • As Long As You're Mine

    Sequel to "Five Words or Less". The Slayer and her vampire think they might finally have a year sans apocalypse… only they didn't count on a rogue witch and three annoying geeks, who are intent on destroying their Hellmouth Ever After. Full summary in chapter 1 to avoid spoilers. Spuffy canon-like AU Season 6. M for violence, mild language, and frequent smut.

  • Pixies and Falling Stars

    A belated birthday (or Valentine's Day) fic for traveller19. Extra doses of fluffy AU between Drusilla and Loki. I own neither BtVS nor Thor/Avengers, because Joss Whedon has all the fun. Takes place sort-of at the end of Thor (except the Bifrost was not destroyed), but also shortly after the 1998 South America flashback scene in "Fool for Love". Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

  • Better Than Killing a Slayer

    Season Five one-shot. Slightly inspired by a less than pleasant dance I experienced, when I wish there'd been a Spike to sweep me away. Some Buffy/Riley, but not mutual. I was in need of some cathartic Spuffy angst… which ended up getting rather steamy. Takes place sometime between "Fool for Love" and "Into the Woods". Buffy POV. Spike is in love with Buffy but she has no clue.

  • If I Lay Here

    One-shot in "Touched". I've always wondered what that post-cuddling letter said to Spike... so I wrote it. This is a companion piece to an upcoming collection of similar short one-shots showing moments in the season 5-7 Spuffy relationship where she could have given him a crumb or two.