
  • Hopeless Romantics and Realists

    Hermione remembers and argument about love and the meaning of it, reflecting on how she had felt about it, and how she now does.

  • Human

    "They act as if I can fix everything they break, or that is broken with the world. But once I'm the one to break something, they treat me as if I haven't been the one to heal them when they're bleeding on the floor. I'm only human."

  • Acceptance

    Harry is given Occlumency lessons from Severus, and Hermione agrees to keep the peace between the two.

  • Addiction

    "If this tiny girl asked me to die for her, I would go with a smile on my face."

  • Unum Cicatricum Refertam

    It can be seen, and it cannot, but it makes no difference. Two people are drawn together by it, and they draw strength from it.

  • Kol's Girl

    What happens when a our favorite brunette joins the Mikaelson Ball. "My life, my friend, my love, and my protector."