

  • Zuko, Cactus Juice, Sokka, and Elephants

    Zuko considers Sokka to be amazing. Handsome, kind, and a talented swordsman. He likes him...a lot. But he doesn't show it cuz it's ZUKO we're talking about here. He accidentally drinks cactus juice...and kisses Sokka!

  • A story of Chase and Jackie

    PERCABETH GENDERBEND What if Percy was a girl, and Annabeth was a guy? What if Percy had been with Annabeth at Camp half-blood as long as they could remember? Would things turn out different. Yes, but not as much as you'd expect them to.

  • Different Languages, same heart

    Leo Valdez is an immigrant to America in the 50's, from Ecuador. Calypso comes from Greece. Neither know English. Despite that, they still manage to fight with each other, constantly. Yet, everyone is surprised when the fighting turns to-love?

  • Caleo and Tratie ABC

    It's an ABC romance thingy with Caleo and Tratie! In the course of events in this story, Leo and Katie become friends as well as Travis and Calypso. "WHAT? HOW?" Lets just say, an accidentally mixed up double date, and things just escalate from there!