

  • Nirvana

    In her dreams there are two of him. M rated for a reason.

  • Shut up and kiss me

    A set of interconnecting kiss based one shots set in the not so distant Caskett future.

  • Breaking The Law For You

    When fate reveals Castle's plan to run off to Paris and save his kidnapped daughter, terrified for his life, his safety, Kate Beckett sees no other option than to go in his place. AU. Target/Hunt. Based on a prompt from louisemcdoogle. Cover art by LoveJessieLou.

  • Soon

    Post epi 7.04 Kate wriggles her fingers and applies the ice directly to his back, setting the cloth bag against his skin and waiting for the oncoming hiss.

  • Finding Home

    Post 7.01. He sleeps before she does. Contains spoilers for Driven!

  • Witchcraft

    Castle has her - has had her - under his spell, thoroughly bewitched for a long while now; and he knows it.

  • Some piece of you

    "My thoughts cannot move an inch without bumping into some piece of you..." She's in limbo, waiting. Post epi for 6x23

  • Awake

    He hears the thud first, sees the blood before he sees her. A great thick smear of it staining the wall and his heart plummets, Castle's shallow gasp barely making a sound as he stumbles forward. Set in and around Veritas. M for occasional language.

  • A place to dream

    They're silly and she likes it, likes how easy it feels as they drift hand in hand towards his bed and Castle starts in again about what she has planned for him, what idle tricks her fingers will pull in the night and what secrets she'll whisper in his ears. Post Epi for Room 147.