
  • You Take My Breath Away

    Alec always gets out of breath faster than the other Shadowhunters. Magnus finally finds out why. Magnus/Alec.

  • All That Remains

    Magnus liked old things. After spending a day antiquing with him, Alec thought he understood why. Magnus/Alec.

  • Clip Their Tiny Wings

    Castiel should have known the warehouse was a trap. Mid-season 5 interlude. Warnings for torture. Hurt!Castiel.

  • Different

    Renly should have known Loras would leave. After all, that's what everyone else did. Why should this boy be any different? Renly/Loras. Pre-series.

  • Release of Neurotransmitters

    A WtNV fic. Cecil's very into science these days. He's even read books about it (municipally-approved ones only, of course, but it still counts). After all, if Carlos is so interested in science, it must be interesting. Cecil's been researching, just like Carlos does, and he thinks he's ready. He's learned all about science and he can't wait to tell Carlos about it. Cecil/Carlos.

  • Bieber Fever

    There's a petition on We The People, the official White House petition website, to deport Justin Bieber. It has over two hundred thirty thousand signatures. Enjolras is furious. Modern AU.

  • Just Another Day

    "Jack?" Owen called, stepping up to Jack's office. "Um, this is gonna sound crazy, but I think the mayor is an alien." Or, the time when the Torchwood team really wants to deal with the Slitheen mayor and her nuclear power plant and the TARDIS appearance and the fact that THE RIFT IS OPENING, JACK, but their leader is ruthless in getting in their way.

  • Go the Distance

    To be honest, the bad decision is inevitable once Combeferre enters the Musain, soaked in sweat and wearing a pair of running shorts and a white t-shirt that's stuck to his chest and somehow looking even more hot than he normally does. Combeferre/Courfeyrac, written for Courferre week. Modern AU.

  • Murder is Immoral

    Courfeyrac gets Marius and Cosette to watch Woody Allen's "Love and Death." Chaos ensues. Cosette/Marius, a tiny bit of background Courfeyrac/Combeferre. Modern AU.

  • Don't We Look Pretty?

    Alec has had weird days before, but this tops them all. Temporary fem!Alec and fem!Magnus. Magnus/Alec.

  • What a Tangled Web

    "If you ever put me in that position again, I'll clap you in irons myself." Mid-2.11 (The Witch's Quickening) interlude.

  • Odd Melting Pot

    In which the others in Kattegat find out about Athelstan's crucifixion, and he finds out that his fears that they won't accept him because of it are completely unfounded.

  • Tangible

    The two men are alone once again, and is it just Bruce or is the chemistry between them almost tangible? Tony smirks, and the expression almost makes Bruce's heart stop. He sounds almost like he's flirting, and Bruce wishes desperately that he is, but it can't be true because Tony has a girlfriend. Tony has a girlfriend. Bruce is sure he's not the first person to bemoan that fact.

  • Unconventional Connections

    Sirius accidentally Apparates into the wrong house, and Remus makes a friend for the first time he can remember.

  • Those Who Remain

    James was dead, Lily was dead, and Peter was a traitor. There was only one person left that Sirius and his newly-orphaned godson could go to.

  • Free to Fly

    After the war, life goes on. Or, Ron and Hermione have a surprise for Harry.

  • Completely Done

    In which most of the people at Hogwarts are Completely Done. (Except, surprisingly enough, a very amused Dumbledore.) Fifth and final in "Pranking Pranksters."

  • True Prank War

    In which the playful pranking between the Marauders and Lily becomes a True Prank War. (The rest of Gryffindor House has the good sense to flee.) Fourth in "Pranking Pranksters."

  • Surprisingly Well

    In which Peter feels left out and plays a prank of his own. (To the shock of all, it ends up working out Surprisingly Well.) Third in "Pranking Pranksters."

  • And Now, The Weather

    A WtNV fic. What seems to be a normal broadcast turns out to be anything but. Cecil/Carlos.