
yellow 14

  • The happiest moment

    Written for Vicky199416's happiest moment of their life challenge. Seamus Finnigan reflects on the happiest moments of his life.

  • A very important elephant

    Padma Patil takes a nighttime stroll and meets someone she didn't expect. A second response to 'Girls of Harry Potter 3 competition'

  • An engagement is announced

    Written for 'The Biggest Challenge EVER' by Wujy. Percy announces his engagement to his family and it's not who they expect.

  • How much?

    My response to The Start and Stop challenge by XxXRegretXxX. Hannah Abbot ponders her feelings during the second war.

  • The magic of a towel

    Susan Bones and Harry Potter have a conversation about why Susan is so confident in the protectiveness of her towel

  • The things a pair of socks can tell you

    A pair of socks can tell you a lot of things. Hugo Weasley muses on what a pair of his friends socks tell him. A response to DramioneLurver's Sock challenge

  • Myrtle's tale

    A reponse to A Sirus crush on Moony's challenge 'I'm about to die' Myrtle invites you to listen as she describes her last thoughts and feelings on the day she died.

  • The four sides of Hogwarts

    A response to Rising From The Flames houses four competition. A look at one individual from each of the four houses of Hogwarts.

  • Riddle's lover

    A moment between Tom Riddle and a girl who loves him. Not as bad as it sounds. Written for AlieBoo's Tom/OC challenge

  • Pillow talk

    Padma Patil and Luna Lovegood have a talk as they lie together in bed. A response to edgysatsumas Pairings and prompts challenge

  • McGonagall's battle

    During the Battle of Hogwart's, Professor Slughorn is sees a side to Proffessor McGonagall he never expected to see. Another response to elibubble's Battle of Hogwart's challenge.

  • Marietta's pennance

    Marietta Edgecomb seeks to earn her forgiveness in the Battle of Hogwart's. Another response to elibubble's Battle of Hogwart's challenge.

  • Goddess

    Professor Slughorn observes Professor McGonagall's prowess in the Battle of Hogwart's. A response to elibubble's Battle of Hogwart's challenge

  • Duck, weave, evade, block and shoot

    In the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts, Oliver Wood finds himself comparing it to Quidditch and notices that they are not too dissimilar. Because that's what he's like at times.

  • Dean Thomas's surprise

    Written for The Countdown Surprise Dumbledore's Army Challenge/Competition set up by Mi High Lover. Dean Thomas is rarely surprised. but this time, he is.

  • Stand up for yourself!

    Moaning Myrtle has a conversation that will change her life in a way that she could not have imagined. A response to the Love for a Poltergeist challenge by Enapets21. Enjoy.

  • Cup glory

    Based on a suggestion by xXKissingSinXx's 'what if' challenge. A story of what might have happened had Victor Krum won the tri-wizard tournament.

  • Mama do

    Lily Luna Potter is reminded of something she would rather leave behind. A response to ToManyLetters Turn It Up Louder! Competition.

  • Cupboard love

    Set during the seventh book. Neville finds himself in a broom cupboard with someone The girls of Harry Potter 2' challenge.

  • Unexpected marriage

    Harry Potter's wife explains how she ended up marrying him. A response to Abi's sell me your ship challenge.