
  • A Horrible Tragedy

    Unfortunate circumstances require drastic measures. Written for fanfic100 prompt "071. Broken."

  • Of A Sort

    They all had their own families. Written for fanfic100 prompt "024. Family."

  • Unexpected

    He wasn't sure exactly when it had happened. Written for fanfic100 prompt "021. Friends."

  • Survivor's Guilt

    He was no stranger to death. But that didn't make it any easier. Written for fanfic100 prompt "030. Death."

  • An Unusual Sight

    "It's a natural cycle, Brigadier!" Written for fanfic100 prompt "029. Birth."

  • Bates and Yenton

    Bit of an AU - set during/after(?) the Three Doctors. The Brig is slightly confused. Written for fanfic100 prompt "076. Who?" and based on a verbal slip I keep making for some reason.