
  • To Regain Hope Can Be as Simple as a Knock on the Door

    As the second war was lost, Lyall couldn't help but think about the past. He lost his Hope in the first war, his son is on the run and not talking to him, and he lives alone. Then came a knock on his door.

  • A Knight's Magic

    Percival has magic. This is a series on how people found out. Both almost canon, and AU. Some related and some not.

  • The Life Story of Remus John Lupin: Short Version

    The history of Remus Lupin one drabble at a time. Canon Pairings

  • Training a Kazekage

    When the Kazekage's son asked to be trained to be Kazekage, he agreed, just to stop Gaara to kill someone. As he trains him, he realized that Gaara is a lot like Karura. Plus Gaara is great with the paperwork.

  • 5 More Times Merlin Didn't Mean the Smile…

    Merlin smiles, but sometimes he doesn't mean it. 100 word drabbles Season Two

  • Thank you

    Jack gets a change to say goodbye. The Doctor helps. Implied Jack/Ianto

  • Why?

    "Why do it?" The question was asked in Death Mask, but no answer was given. Thomas wanted to say something. Spoilers of Thomas/Harry's relationship.

  • The Scrapbook: The KKM Edition

    A KKM dumping ground for snippets, drabbles, and other stories. May feature OCs, odd couplings, and multiply genres. Last: Yuri is back after two Earth years, defeated the great evil, and now needs to make a speech. So why is Murata yelling for Shinou's death? Now: Yuuri has an important question.

  • Hermy the Nanny

    Hermione gets stuck in the past, and is convinced that while she waits for the way home to become a nanny for a certain family. Here is her adventures as she tries to survives pranks, food fights, and other things. Will she last the three weeks? Semi Drabbles

  • This Boy is Ratman?

    [Ratman] After the car park fight in chapter 40 between Ratman, and AnKaiser; the two must have woken up. How did Saegi reacted to finding that Ratman was the kid from the gym.

  • Feverish Dreams

    It's been a month since Jack disappear, and Ianto is feverish. Slash, Janto Between Season 1 and 2.

  • A Pawn

    An one-third golem meets a girl, and decides to change his life. Slight Zelgadis/Lina

  • Is The World Coming to the End?

    During the February 1984 issue of Batman, Bruce said something unforgettable. What was going through Dick's mind at that moment.

  • Love and Threats

    Shuri thought the hardest part was over with his father dead, and Japan was free. Then he realize Sarasa may lost her father, but there are still many people who would protect her. Manga-Verse

  • Blue and Gold, Gold and Blue

    100 stories, both short and long, celebrating the friendship we love most. That of Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. That of Michael Jon Carter and Ted Kord. Stories that will span from early in their friendship until death parts them. Some are AU, some Angst, some humor, and so much more.

  • The Gravestone Under the Tree

    Hatsu thinks about her husband underneath their special tree, in front of his gravestone. Hatsu/Taizou

  • Why is There No Popcorn?

    Bart has a reason to be hyper on this day, and a reason to want popcorn. No one else involved is amuse. What is going on? Spoiler [Slightly AU]

  • The Scrapbook: Young Justice Edition

    Drabbles, Snippets, and other stories. Now: Nightwing walks into an adorable scene.

  • The Odd Couples

    50 pairings. 50 prompts. For the Pairing Diversity Boot Camp Challenge. Warning: contains all sorts of pairings, and all sort of genre