The Mome Raths Outgrabe

  • Terror

    Sam's fear of clowns is more complicated than even he knows. Takes place during the seventh season.

  • Halloween Terror

    Loki and Thor try again to be together on Halloween. Sequel to Halloween Horrors. Part of the Holiday series.

  • Protect Me From Harm

    He could see his cage, but it mattered little to him since he was in a far worse but invisible one.

  • Under the Half Moon

    He's not exactly sure how this started, this tradition of theirs. All he knew was that somehow checking up on her a few times after his Dad had brought her back home had turned into this. (Malia and Stiles centered story)

  • Double Dutch

    Malia and her sister on the playground back before the incident.

  • Malia Tate

    One-shot about Malia after the events of 3x14( More Bad Than Good).

  • Wrong

    Spoilers for 3x17 very short one-shot.

  • It's Complicated

    Thor is upset and Tony tries to figure out why.

  • Remembrance

    Thor and Jane take a walk and come across something that sparks memories. One-shot. Post The Dark World.

  • I'm a Prince

    Loki has some fun on Midgard. Pre Thor.

  • Rumors

    How Jeremy's high school sees him. From an outsider's point of view.

  • Aid of the Enemy

    Loki's been aiding the Avengers and Thor wants to know why.

  • Annoying

    Even through his punishment Loki still enjoyed causing mischief.

  • Desperately in Denial

    He doesn't miss Thor. Short one shot.

  • Freedom

    Thor and Loki spend some time together on Asgard modeling a holiday that Thor liked on earth.

  • Odin's Version of Parenting

    What if it had been Odin at the end of Thor the Dark World.

  • Not Picture Perfect

    It's not exactly puppies and sunshine but that doesn't stop them. Warning: Frostiron.

  • The monster

    A series of semi-connected one-shots about Issac's past. Warnings: Abuse.

  • His Fault

    He must have done something wrong Warnings: child abuse. Super short one shot.

  • Fluctuation

    Loki does a spell and it backfires.