
  • Red Moon Eclipse

    Dusky has a rare and unique talent that the Lunar wolves find fascinating.

  • Personal Paradise

    AU Tsume, his mate, and their pups in Rakuen

  • Originals

    what might happen if the new Club got to meet the old Club?

  • Dawn of a New Day

    One day the boys of the Host Club will graduate. What will come of our beloved club now? Well ...

  • Four of a Kind

    AU The Hitachiin brothers find out what life would be like if they suddenly acquired ... twin baby sisters?

  • Queen in Waiting

    Eva Wei isn't exactly what one might expect of a typical princess ...

  • Nightmares

    Aikka has a nightmare about when the Crogs held his home-world hostage.

  • Endings and Beginnings

    AU one-shot Kagome has been stuck in her own time for years, but a familiar dog demon has managed to get through. Who are these strange children, why do they seem so familiar, and what is that thing that's coming out of the old well house?

  • Black Moon

    The night of the new moon has come one more. But there are two new players this time.

  • The Purple-Haired Princess Arrives

    The Fujimori Boys' School Princesses know how things work, but what happens when an actual girl shows up?

  • Jack

    Chronicles of Riddick. Kira has one last surprise for Riddick.

  • Claim

    Goodbyes are bittersweet and promises are eternal

  • Past

    The Shadow Pack invites the Lunar wolves to join them for the night.

  • No

    Not everyone is okay with Stark's life choices

  • Spectre

    Some people are more than what they seem, and some people are just different.

  • A Different Sort Of Magic

    Dr. Strange, movie version. Sometimes you meet the most unique people in the most mundane places.

  • Stargazer

    Movie version. The Baudelaires learn that they are not as alone in the world as they perhaps thought.

  • A Song Floating Through The Air

    it's time for the next generation to have their turn

  • Evangeline

    not all gargoyle clans are on bad terms with the fey

  • Fearless Idiot V2

    Sam isn't known as "O Fearless Idiot" for nothing, but that's not always a good thing ... {ALTERNATE VERSION}