

  • The Kid

    AU takes place at the end spins off from there. Albrecht was only grazed by the bullet and Top Dollar didn't die. Shows another side to the vicious killer.

  • A Slayer, A Watcher and A Vampire

    Set during Beer Bad-opening to a bad joke or a funny story? One Shot

  • Welcome to the Hellmouth

    title says it all

  • The Best Buffy Moments

    Just a few of my favorite and what i consider the best moments of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

  • The best of the Scooby Gang

    Just my favorite lines of the Sunnydale Scoobies. Enjoy!

  • Xander-isms : The Best of Alexander LaVelle Xander Harris

    just a collection of what i think are the best xander harris moments - one shot

  • It's a Long Story aka Words Not Stolen

    Paulie 1998 - what happened at the end of Paulie after Marie, Paulie and Misha went inside? Here's what i think happened.

  • BWOC : The Furry College Years

    Amy Dawkins,formally known as Amy Landers starts college with her brother Tommy and their friends Merton and Lori. Little does she know her adventures from 2 years ago are not over. Sequel to The Half Breed Lives

  • The Half Breed Lives

    A new student arrives at Pleasantville High. Is she more than what she seems?