
  • Happy Valentine's Day, Rose Tyler

    Valentine's Day has always been an important day for Rose and the Doctor, and it's about to become even more significant.

  • Welcome to Timesdale

    Community!AU. James McCrimmon is forced to attend Timesdale Community College after he is caught with a fake law degree. He forms a study group to impress Rose Tyler. It backfires tremendously.

  • The Doctor's Birthday

    Rose's attempt at a surprise baffles the Doctor and warms both of his hearts.

  • If I Had You

    Doctor Who/Fright Night crossover. After being trapped in the parallel universe without the Doctor, Rose Tyler meets a man who looks startlingly like him; the only downside is that he's a raging arsehole... and that he may or may not be completely insane.

  • Stuck Like Two Pieces of Velcro

    University AU. Leo and Jemma have been dating since freshman year- and that was four years ago. Skye is starting to think they'll never fall out of the puppy love stage.

  • Agents of Ultron

    Ultron has taken over, and has fleets of cyborgs wreaking havoc across the world. The Avengers have fallen. It's all up to a certain elite team to stop the robot overlord; but is it a challenge they aren't up for? And will they fall apart before they can reach their goal?

  • Not Exactly A Shiny Knight

    Jemma Simmons is a princess. Leo Fitz is just a kitchen boy. But who's to say a kitchen boy can't prove to be the shiniest knight of them all?

  • Party For Two

    FitzSimmons High School AU. Leo and Jemma are both the odd ones out, and when they don't get invited to Grant Ward's big end of the year party, they take matters into their own hands.

  • What I've Been Looking For

    An Academy!Fitzsimmons song ficlet. Leo and Jemma were both incredibly lonely, until fate brought them the best friend they had both spent so long searching for.

  • Vanilla Twilight

    The second he was gone, Ron wanted to go back. Not to help find the horcruxes, but for Hermione. Just Hermione.

  • The Valentine's Day Wars

    Fitz and Simmons have a Valentine's Day tradition that involves heart-shaped cards and cheesy science pick-up lines. They're also a little bit too competitive about it.

  • The Office

    AU. Jemma and Leo are still at the Academy when SHIELD shuts down due to the Hydra infiltration, and the two are offered jobs at Stark Industries by the Starks themselves; they just aren't given the jobs that they had expected. Loosely inspired by the sitcom of the same name.

  • You Don't Really Wanna Fall in Love

    Leo is a socially awkward first year student at the Academy, and he doesn't want to put up with the crowds associated with shopping at Staples. He calls Dunder Mifflin instead, and ends up getting relationship advice from a salesman named Jim Halpert. Set after Jim transfers to the Stamford branch.

  • Perfect Girl

    Leo Fitz wasn't sure why he found himself in the Boiler Room but, by the end of the night, he was glad he'd been there.

  • Somebody Out There

    Pam used to dream that she'd meet the perfect boy. But do guys like that really exist? Slightly uncanon at certain points but, for the most part, canon.

  • The Pie

    During a game of truth or dare, Skye and Fitz are the last ones standing. Skye gets him to confess something that leaves him blushing, and, in return, he dares her to do something that leaves her panicking. Ridiculous ensues. Sort of crack-ish. It made me giggle while writing it.

  • The Kitten

    Simmons brings a kitten home to the Bus. Fitz hates kittens. May likes kittens. Skye thinks that kittens are just another techy device thingy. Ward doesn't know about the kitten. Coulson doesn't want the kitten. In short? Simmons loses the kitten. Silliness follows. Implied Fitz x Simmons.

  • New Classic

    The Doctor lost himself in the Time War, and it took a broken pink and yellow girl to bring him back. Rated M for a few Jimmy-related graphic scenes that may be triggering to some readers.

  • Forever & Always

    Inspired by the Parachute song. Fitz accompanies the Team on a mission regarding Hydra, and Jemma stays behind. What's she's greeted with when they arrive back at the Bus will change her life forever.

  • Beautiful Girl

    Charlie Pace had never been in love before, and he was certain that a guy like him didn't deserve it; or did he?