
  • Finding Yellow

    Neville's mother has been giving him gum wrappers since he was eleven. But one color has always been missing. Will Neville ever be able to find his yellow and complete the rainbow? Reuploaded in an attempt to rid myself of a spam bot.

  • A Molly Weasley Tradition

    Knitting Christmas jumpers is a Molly Weasley tradition, and not one either of them intend to give up.

  • Taking Chances

    Pieces Universe. When Scorpius Malfoy married Rose Weasley, Al Potter was there. So was Honoria Ridgeton. After years of avoiding her, the paths of Al and Honoria finally converged, and now, Al can't stop thinking about her. But if this is love, can two such different people really make it work, or are they crazy to even try? Companion to the Roses Trilogy.

  • Pawn to C3

    Teaching Lily chess started as a way to keep her occupied and out of everyone's hair. It grew into much more than that.

  • From Valley Broad and Fen

    Of them all, she'd loved him best. But life is not a fairy tale, and love isn't always enough. Warning: character death

  • A Lot to Learn

    Pieces Universe. Lorcan and Lysander couldn't be more different. Lorcan loves the fact that his parents are Magizoologists, and is thrilled to be accompanying them to the Amazon Rainforest to track down a legendary dark spirit. Lysander is...less enthused.

  • A Witch Indeed

    Minerva McGonagall takes her pastoral duties very seriously. She visits each and every Muggleborn student and their family personally, to inform them of their place at Hogwarts. But some young Muggleborns capture her interest more than others. Written for Minerva Fest 2015

  • It Doesn't Always Roar

    Pieces Universe. Over the course of his life, Neville Longbottom had three conversations with the Sorting Hat, and they always managed to take him by surprise.

  • Against All Evil and Envy

    It started with a necklace. He saw it and thought of her. What's an impulsive thirteen-year-old to do? Buy it and send it to her anonymously, of course.

  • In Days to Come

    Her first impression of this boy had, regrettably, been There's one in every class, but Neville Longbottom had quickly defied Minerva McGonagall's expectations.

  • Can't Always Believe What You Read in the Papers

    Ginny reads Rita Skeeter's latest work of fiction to Dumbledore's Army.

  • Charlie Weasley and the Reason Why Not

    Pieces Universe. Dom asks Charlie an interesting question, and when he makes her work for the answer, he gets more than he ever expected.

  • The Ways We Heal

    Gigi had the courage to tell her story on camera. But that doesn't mean she's completely healed. Takes place after the filming of episode 82. Trigger warning: mention of abusive relationships

  • All My Love to Long Ago

    Penny Clearwater fled London thirteen years ago, at the height of the last war. Now she's back for a visit, and her old boyfriend is the last person she expects to run into, but there he is, Percy Weasley, and there's a lot left to be said.

  • The Exceptional Mr Weasley and His Approximation of Obedience

    Fred and Sirius have something of postmortem chat while Fred considers his afterlife options.

  • Roads Not Taken

    When Minerva looks at Molly in the aftermath of the war, she can't helping thinking about what might have been.

  • Tending Roses

    Pieces Universe. "Scorpius didn't have feelings for Rose. I fully believed that. But as I lay there awake, thinking about it, I discovered how natural it was to add one word to the end of that statement. Scorpius didn't have feelings for Rose. Yet." Al plays matchmaker.

  • Universally Acknowledged

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Malfoy who insists on being perpetually mysterious must be prepared to deal with an insatiably curious Weasley. Rose/Scorpius with a healthy measure of Pride and Prejudice thrown in.

  • You Know These Scars Will Never Fade

    Pieces Universe. He saved her life when he shouldn't have been able to because he needed her so desperately. But now she's barred him from her hospital room, and Seamus doesn't know what to do.

  • What Always Has Been

    Pieces Universe. Five years after the war, The Daily Prophet published a series of articles calling Neville "The Boy Who Might Have Been." Harry was embarrassed, but Ginny was incensed, because she knew better than anyone that Neville was no Might Have Been.