This story is set in the Movieverse (I loved the movie, btw) Set after Speed has won the Grand Prix. Trixie starts receiving some amazing flower arrangements. But what does it all mean? - Feedback would be appreciated.
Speed, Trixie, and Sparky travel to Sandanistan for the Race Across The Desert, but when Speed is unable to race, can anyone fill his shoes? (Speed/Trixie). This story takes place about a year after the events in "The Race for Her Life" and "Finding the Courage." I tend to write from the Anime, rather than the movie. Rating is M...for a wee bit of minor het smut.
Sequel to "The Race for Her Life" - Trixie must deal with her injuries, physical and emotional, from the Ice Rally, and Speed must decide upon his future as a race car driver. (As Spritle might say... there could be a requirement for a Cootie Inoculation.)