
  • Texas Vacation

    Nick, Jackie, and the kids visit Nick's parents in Texas.

  • A Chance Meeting

    When Carissa goes to pick up pizza she runs into a child who is hilarious (you all love him) Please read and review!

  • Texas Christmas

    The Stokes family are all together at Christmas and as usual some surprises are in store! Thanks for reading and please review!

  • Change of Plans

    Nick and Jackie plan a romantic night alone but there was a change of plans. Please read and review!

  • A New TV

    Nick and Jackie get a new bedroom TV but Jackie finds one big downside to that. Find out what that is! Please read and review!

  • A Good Home

    Nick and Russell find something close to their crime scene. Please read and review!

  • Drinking

    Nick catches Jackie doing something she shouldn't be doing. Or does he really? Please read and review!

  • Happy Birthday Nicky

    It's Nick's birthday and he's in for a huge surprise! Please read and review!

  • Sweetheart

    Nick really is a sweetheart! Please read and review@

  • A Husband's Worst Nightmare

    An ordinary day turns into a nightmare for Nick and his family. Please read and review!

  • New Orleans

    Nick and Jackie take a romantic trip to New Orleans! Please read and review!

  • Carissa's Baby

    Carissa has her baby! Please read and review!

  • The Mall

    Jackie and Carissa again get mixed up in a case of mistaken identity. Please read and review!

  • Disappointment

    Nick and Jackie suffer disappointing news as a couple. Please read and review!

  • Dentist

    Jackie takes Johnna to the dentist. Please read and review!

  • On the Move

    The Stokes' family may be leaving Las Vegas.

  • Valentine's Day Celebration

    Nick and Jackie celebrate Valentine's Day. Please read and review!

  • Field Trip

    Nick goes with Jasmine on Jasmine's very first field trip! Please read and review!

  • Worker Bees

    Houston helps Nick with tasks around the house! Please read and review!

  • Baby? Not Yet

    I don't want to give away what happens! Please read and review!