
  • Park

    Nick and Jackie take the kids to the park for some family fun. Please read and review!

  • Going to Visit Santa

    The kids and Nick and Jackie go to visit Santa, and the kids are as usual up to mischief!

  • A Shocking Discovery

    Nick makes a shocking discovery at work. Please read and review!

  • Nick's Other Girlfriend

    Someone sees Nick out with another woman and grows suspicious. Please read and review!

  • The Grocery List

    Sometimes a grocery list is a lot more than a grocery list, sometimes it holds a special message if you read it closely enough. Please read and review!

  • An Amazing Ride

    Nick has a special surprise up his leave for Jackie. Please read and review!

  • Houston the Sneak

    Houston is up to something and Jackie has to figure out what. Please read and review!

  • A Message

    Jackie gives Nick a special message. Please read and review!

  • Another Gold Star

    Jasmine gets another gold star! Find out what she did to earn it! Please read and review!

  • Nick Comes Home

    Nick comes home to his excited family! Please read and review!

  • A Sweet Little Girl

    Jasmine demonstrates just how sweet she can be. Please read and review!

  • Jasmine Gets in Trouble

    The title pretty much says it. Please read and review!

  • Another One

    Nick and Jackie have an important conversation. Please read and review!

  • Chores

    The kids attempt to help Jackie clean but they don't do a very good job! Please read and review!

  • Jasmine's First Day of School

    Jasmine's first day of school has arrived! Please read and review!

  • Intuition

    Nick and Jackie take a romantic trip to Paris, or at least that was the plan. Please read and review!

  • Supportive Husband

    Nick supports Jackie in something she wants to do! Please read and review!

  • Siblings

    Jackie and the kids have a fun afternoon, find out what they do! Please read and review!

  • Story Time

    Nick and Jackie take the kids to the library for story time, find out what happens!

  • His Birthday

    Sometimes birthdays bring up painful memories. Please read and review!