

  • Picking Flowers

    One day Hikaru went into the forest to pick some flowers for her mom when she met a mysterious boy.

  • Love Letters

    Hikaru can't concentrate so she writes a note for Nile.

  • Chocolate

    Hikaru comes home and sees her boyfriend laying on the couch.

  • Candy Trail

    Hikaru is walking home from the WBBA when she sees a trail of candy and her curiosity gets the best of her.

  • Valentines challenge

    Just a challenge I created in the spirit of Valentines day

  • Swimming Lessons

    Hikaru finds out Bao can't swim and decides to teach him.

  • Umbrella

    Hikaru was walking home from the WBBA when it started to rain. She meets one of the legendary bladers and he offers to share his umbrella.

  • Caught

    Hikaru is sneaking in HD Acadmey late one night to get information but someone catches her.

  • Pretend things are different

    Hikaru is walking around the WBBA when she is dragged into a room by team star breakers leader.

  • Hikaru's Journey

    Everyone is put to sleep by Doji except Hikaru and Damian and now they must work together to stop him from taking over the world with his goons.

  • Fighing Lessons

    Olette wants to learn how to fight to protect herself and she asks Seifer to teach her.

  • Dance lessons

    Ryo insists Hikaru and some legendary bladers take dance lessons.

  • Who you love

    Alice is hanging out with the other princesses of light and listening to them talk about love. Then they ask her about her love life.

  • What is Love

    Alice teaches the organization members what love is and even gets a little

  • Merry Christmas Demyx

    Larxene does something that might ruin Demyx's christmas but now she must make it up to him. Very slight implied romance

  • Infernal Snow

    Zexion just wants to read his book but Yuffie has other ideas.

  • Gambler of Fate

    alice was going to die until a man saves her and she quickly falls for him until she finds out who he really is

  • Dear Santa

    Organization 13 write letters to Santa telling him what they want for Christmas

  • Merry Xmas Bao

    Hikaru is leaving work when she sees Bao training on Christmas Eve

  • Kidnapped

    Hikaru is kidnapped by Ziggurat and the Garcia's