

  • An Eternity

    This moment is an eternity in and of itself. *Fanpoem.*

  • A Few Stumbling Steps

    It's a never-ending circle, a dance, that Raji can't seem to break. *Fanpoem.*

  • Two Sleepless People (And Their Nightly Reading)

    Shirayuki and Raji can't sleep, so they sneak off together to the palace library for some nightly reading. *A late fill to RajiYuki Weekend 2022, Day Two.*

  • Endless Dying

    Yona can't sleep; memories haunt her under the guise of nightmares. *Happens after chapter ninety nine and hundred and before one hundred and one begins.*

  • A New Encounter

    Tonight, nature feels different, and Zeno discovers a creature he's never seen before.

  • Ever Changing

    Shirayuki knows change well; it always disrupts her life and leaves her grappling with a new life. Yet, sometimes it's not so bad. *Cat AU.* *Appreciation Giftfic for onedivinemisfit on Tumblr, an absolutely incredible fanartist.*

  • As If An Eternity Were Possible

    This is like butterfly wings, delicate and gentle.

  • To Save Her Life

    Hodaka offers rainy skies, if it means Hina will live. *Fanpoem.*

  • A Few Stolen Moments Together (In The Abode Of The Library)

    Time together is given a chance to be savored. *A late/alternate fill to ZenYuki Week 2022, Day Seven.*

  • Surprising Gifts For One Another

    Shirayuki comes into work to find a beautiful bookmark awaiting her. *A late/alternate fill to ZenYuki Week 2022, Day Three.*

  • To Match A Feeling With Another

    Yona wants to convey just how she feels to Jae-Ha, just how lightly ablaze she is, to match one feeling with another. *Fanpoem.*

  • A Few Moments Together

    Shirayuki and Zen spend a little bit of time together on a beautiful day. *A birthday giftfic for a very wonderful friend of mine.*

  • Alright

    Let me become what alright means to you. *Fanpoem.*

  • Sacrifice Reverted

    A sacrifice that shouldn't be needs to be reverted. *Fanpoem.*

  • A Nightly Adventure (Finding Comfort And Hope)

    It's been just a year since they've gotten married, but tonight starts out a bit tough for Shirayuki. *A late/alternate fill to ZenYuki Week 2022, Day One.*

  • Dashing To The Gardens Together

    They put an unexpected twist into their day and just enjoy their time together. *Written for Day Seven of ZenYuki Week 2022.*

  • What Keeps Her Going (Inspiration)

    Shirayuki has a letter from Zen that she keeps folded up and in her pocket at work, especially for the days that feel long and cold. *Written for Day Six of ZenYuki Week 2022.*

  • Helping Out The Herbalist For The Day

    Zen spends a bit of free time helping Shirayuki out with harvesting some herbs and feels that familiar awe around her. *Written for Day Five of ZenYuki Week 2022.*

  • To Be Back Home Again

    Shirayuki's back home, because home has stopped being a place, but has become a person. *Written for Day Four of ZenYuki Week 2022.*

  • Stumbling Into A New Direction

    Shirayuki's life changed in bright, new ways the day that she fled from an invitation to become Prince Raji's concubine. *Written for ZenYuki Week 2022, Day Three.*