
  • Circling Back to Friendly Territory

    Derek Hale is pretty enough to be mistaken for a test tube creation. X-522 is just looking for a Unit to join far away from Manticore.

  • Lunch Meetings

    Joan's Assignment: Take that homeless man out to lunch, at the vegetarian restaurant. He had lost his best friend, Nick, and everyone else he held dear in one act of violence. Listen to him.

  • Continuance

    Wherein the Machine is taught to plan ahead, Atlantis is a teacher (ie enabler) and no one asks the humans their opinion.

  • One Man's Curse is Another Man's Blessing

    The vast majority of the family called it the curse. A couple of Aunties, Kono and a few of the other more optimistic ones called it a gift.

  • Tracked Progress

    Misery shared is misery halved.

  • Blindfolded Birthday Games

    Family can be the most comforting and annoying on birthdays.

  • In 1969, A Family was Born

    In 1969 (SG1 Episode AU), Sam Carter gave birth to a baby boy and gave it up for adoption. Years later, Jack Carter finds out that his history qualified him for Eureka. And nobody knew.

  • Public Relations

    Steve meets Steve. Actually Steve meets Danno and makes Steve think.

  • SG Team Gibbs

    When brass this high was using his rank, bad things were about to happen –or had.

  • Matthew McCormick, New Romancer

    Part 15 of FBI, SULFUR Division

  • Daniel Osbourne, Old Dog

    Part 14 of FBI, SULFUR Division

  • Colonel Jack O'Neill, Recruiter

    Part 13 of FBI, SULFUR Division

  • Nathan Wuornos, Prospective Recruit

    Part 16 of FBI, SULFUR Division

  • As Good As a Rest

    A respite, a change in habits is sometimes necessary.

  • Black-Edged Living

    Danno is dead. The rest of them try to live.

  • Bolts of a Quiver

    Princess Cassandra is sent Picta to negotiate a treaty. Will is her Ranger protector.

  • There's One in Every Generation

    The Leverage Team talking about relatives serving in WWII. Plus a stealth crossover.