

  • Little Lies

    Sometimes stretching the truth is necessary. It helps, however, if you are better at it than Ron and Hermione. Ron/Hermione

  • Coming to Terms

    Harry comes to grips with his sexuality Charlie/Viktor-Harry, Gen!Fic

  • A Hexable Offense

    Ron's night is going rather well until Harry ruins it. Ron Weasley/Pansy Parkinson

  • Special Treatment

    Punctuality is seriously overrated. Oliver Wood/Ginny Weasley

  • The Astronomy Tower

    There are some things that the passage of time does not change. What takes place at the top of the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower is just such a thing. Ron Weasley/Lavender Brown

  • Offering Assistance

    Susan Bones' first day of classes at Hogwarts is off to a poor start. Ernie Macmillan's was going rather well, until he attempted to help her. Ernie MacMillan/Susan Bones

  • Cold

    Sometimes we all need a little warming. Fred/Hermione

  • Surprise

    Fred sets up a surprise for Hermione, but finds that surprises are a two-way street. Fred/Hermione

  • Panacea

    Laughter really is the cure all. Gen. Fic. George Weasley-Harry Potter

  • Muggle Ingenuity

    Draco Malfoy's wedding day is not what he expected. Draco/Ginny, Draco/Astoria

  • Paperwork

    In the aftermath of the Boxing Day Sale, Hermione attempts to complete her paperwork… unsuccessfully. Fred/Hermione/George

  • Departure

    The time apart would be good for them. Perhaps if Hermione kept telling herself that, she would be convinced… perhaps not. Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger

  • Tomatoes

    Another cold dinner equals a very cold bed. Oliver Wood/Lavender Brown

  • Alone

    It is a different kind of lonely, standing so close to someone and knowing you have lost your claim to them. Ron/Lavender; Ron/Hermione

  • Never a Dull Moment

    Dating Fred Weasley was nothing, if not an adventure. Fred/Hermione

  • Brilliant

    An early morning interlude will start a day brilliantly. Ron/Lavender

  • Butterflies and Dragons

    A butterfly and dragon would seem an improbable match, however, love doesn't often make sense. Charlie Weasley/Alicia Spinnet

  • Snatching Knickers

    There is no limit to what Fred Weasley will do when dared Fred Weasley/Hermione Granger

  • How Deep the Scars

    One year after the Battle of Hogwarts, Lavender Brown struggles to come to grips with both her physical and emotional scars. Beauty is skin deep; the scars, however, far deeper. Ron/Lavender; Bill-Lavender

  • Charlie Flavoured Kisses

    In the wake of the Death Eaters' attack on the World Cup, Charlie and Tonks come together once again. Charlie/Tonks