
happyday girl

  • As Darkness Comes Calling

    A small missing scene from the film- Mike and Stevie didn't go straight home after Mike 'discharged' him from the hospital. As they spend a night in a motel room they finally have a chance to let things out in the open, and Mike finally comes to realise just how much the war has damaged his friend- rated T for swearing and severe PTSD. Please R&R.

  • Captive

    As Fili and Kili reach Hobbiton for the meeting, they decide to have a drink in a tavern- drunken insults lead to a fight, ending with Fili and Kili leaving with the promise of revenge in their heads, thinking it all bravado and drunken words. As they start their journey to Erebor, however, they realise that some words can come back to haunt you... hurt!Fili. Please R&R! Rated T.

  • Dust and Ash

    After an away mission to a planet goes a little awry as a long dormant volcano erupts unexpectedly, Trip and Archer go back to try and help the survivors...only there is no one to help. No signs of struggle, just a ghost town. As they continue looking, they're captured and held hostage by inhabitants who think they caused the volcano...will they survive? Please R&R!

  • Coming Back to Earth

    One-shot. Just after the wedding, Phil is still getting over Vegas- he takes his kid over to Doug's place for a talk and a mess around with a ball...but someone else is already there, and he wants to play too. Mayhem ensues, and Phil questions Alan's childcare abilities. Rated T for swearing- just a little humour and friendship. Please R&R!

  • The Moonlight Marauders

    When the guys find out about Remus's 'little problem' they react in a way that Remus never expected. Maruaders freindship only. maruaders era. Ihope you like my little rhyme at the end!

  • ABC of HurtComfort

    26 unrelated one-shots featuring all the characters dealing with illness, accidents, wounds and anything- and everything- in between. Prompts welcomed! Separate warning on each chapter, but rated T. Please R&R!

  • Blink Of An Eye

    Major Aramis whump- while accompanying a haul of gold to Paris, the Musketeers are attacked by robbers on the road. Aramis rushes to save the life of a friend, but ignores a golden rule in the process- now it may cost him his life. Will be multi-chaptered, with lots of hurt!Aramis and comfort as well. Please R&R! Rated T.

  • Ashes In The Caverns

    Set in BOTFA. As the Company hide away in the walls of Erebor, Fili, Kili and the others try to coax Thorin from his goldsickness. When Thorin finally crosses a line no one thought he would, the brothers are sent to scout the rest of the abandoned stronghold- but an enemy has a plan. Will Thorin remember what is most important to him, before it is too late? Please R&R- rated T.

  • Saying Goodbye

    Tag to 1x04- in the aftermath of Marsac's return and death, Aramis is sent reeling. Seeking comfort in wine he worries everyone with his behaviour...after a night of heavy drinking and snappy words, Athos follows him out. When he sees were he went, he resolves to help his old friend come to terms with everything. Major Angst, but also comfort. Please R&R

  • Of Curiosity And Dwarves

    Set in AUJ- Kili is being extra mischievous when he spies something glowing in Gandalf's bags, and, despite warnings from his brother, delves in to see what he can find. When he drops a vial of glowing vapour it covers them both, leading to a new situation for them all... lots of cuteness ensues. Deaged! Fili and Kili, with fatherly!Thorin and company-Please R&R!

  • Concussion

    Aramis really had no one to blame but himself- he should never have missed a wall that size... Tag to 1x01- during the fight to capture Gaudet Aramis hits his head. Hard. When they get back to Athos he hides the true extent of his pain, until he can't take any more and retires to his rooms, leaving Athos to see if his friend is ok. Hurt!Aramis and comforting!Athos. First fic- R&R?

  • The Attack on Laketown

    Missing scene from BOTFA- As the stranded group of dwarves fight for survival as Smaug descends on the town, Kili does a reckless thing to save a child. Fili desperately searches for him in the acrid smoke- can he get to him in time? hurt!Kili and bigbrother!Fili- Please R&R.

  • Fire And Flames

    The story of how Gregor inflicted the burns onto the face of his little brother- very dark themes. Please R&R!

  • As The Day Fades

    *Major* spoilers for BOTFA. Fili and Kili stay together as they scout the rocks and passages for the Orcs, and meet their ends side by side. My own take on their deaths and how they should have happened... Major Angst and heartache. Please R&R.

  • Pain and Blood

    The two brothers scout ahead and hunt the night's dinner- After a long and irritable wait, Fili proudly and triumphantly watches as Kili finally makes the kill- but when the elk unexpectedly bolts the world passes in a blur- until the image of his bloodied brother staggering backwards clutching his stomach is forever ingrained in his memory. Hurt!Kili, bigbrother!Fili -Please R&R!

  • Special Delivery

    Sirius is relaxing with a well earned beer after a trying day- Until a panicked James appears in the fire, yelling at him to help...Lily has gone into labour and he has no idea what to do. A home birth is not what Sirius considers a relaxing time, but it doesn't look like he has much of a choice. A bit of humour, friendship and drama- Please R&R;?

  • Smoothing Over The Cracks

    AU Kili has moved to a new town with his young son, trying to get over a bitter breakup- after being rescued by Fili- another single dad- in a cafe, they spend more time together with their kids and begin to heal each other's personal wounds, finding love as well. When someone from Kili's past comes back to haunt him, however, can their newly formed relationship survive? Please R&R

  • A Brother's Pain

    Fili and Kili decide to go scouting ahead during a heavy storm- As they walk along mother nature shows her true destructive side, and Fili does a very heroic thing to save his brother...although it comes at a high cost. Big brother/hurt!Fili. Set in the first film. Please R&R!

  • Goldlust

    Set in DOS. As they begin the next leg of their journey, Bilbo is finding the Ring harder and harder to resit- one night he goes off for a walk to look at it without the other's prying eyes, however someone disturbs him, and he wants to know what he's got in his pocket... May be multi-chaptered-Please Read and Review!

  • What is Due

    Set in 'In a Mirror Darkly'. As Archer finished his ten hour stint in the agony booth, there was one more person to go in- and as he prepares to face his own invention, the situation takes a darker turn as it transpires someone else wants a piece of the action for himself... Rated T- Please R and R!