
  • Wrangling a Hurricane

    Raising three kids is never easy. It's less easy when those kids happen to be legacies of two of the most famous demigods alive. Somehow the Jacksons make it all work. Pretty much. *Sequel to Climbing Mt. Everest*

  • Missing in Action

    The worst week of Ginny's life began with a familiar face in her fireplace.

  • City of New Beginnings

    The Dark War is over, Sebastian is defeated, and peace has been restored once again, even if only temporarily. For the New York Shadowhunters, life has been slowly getting back to normal-whatever that is, but there's still one more big hurdle left to jump, involving a certain soon-to-be Shadowhunter, and, for some more than others, everything is about to change. *Post-CoHF*

  • Nine Months

    After nine long months away from home, Percy is finally back from the Giant War, and the only thing he really wants is to see his mom again. As always, things don't necessarily go as planned, and he ends up with a pretty big surprise, one that he never ever would have expected to get.

  • Unconditional

    A parent's love goes on forever. Lily and James Potter might not be with Harry anymore, but they are always watching.

  • Bequeathed

    Arthur's been holding onto something of of Sirius' since the race from Privet Drive. Now it's repaired and ready to go, and it belongs to Harry now.

  • From The Ashes

    "He turned around and found himself face to face with red hair and beautiful brown eyes." The war is over, rebuilding has begun, and Harry and Ginny need to talk.

  • Uncle Harry

    "While the children were all very close with their aunts and uncles, close-knit as they all were with each other, there was no mistaking the obvious special liking they all had for Uncle Harry. Not to mention the liking he had for them." A cute family fic.

  • Maybe

    While visiting Harry, Ginny, and baby James, Hermione decides she would like to start a family. Ron isn't so sure, but a heart to heart and some time with his godson might just have the power to change his mind.

  • Owl

    "...It was often little things, small reminders, that brought memories, both good and bad, flooding to the surface." Such is the case with Harry one night, and Ginny is there, as always.

  • Little Sister

    Companion to Nine Months (Please read that first!). A series of one-shots of Percy and Maya together, in no particular order. No set plot, just cute, light-hearted, family fun.

  • Change of Heart

    "I love Quidditch, but I just don't think I want to play professionally anymore." Harry and Ginny have a conversation one night after her Quidditch practice.

  • Camaraderie

    A glimpse into a moment in the everyday lives of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Post-DH.

  • Exploding Snap

    "After I came out of hospital — everyone ignored me, shut me out — other than, that is, the boy who had everything — who came across the Gryffindor common room and challenged me to a game of Exploding Snap. " -Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Act 4. *Set just after Chamber of Secrets. NO spoilers for TCC.*

  • Dance in the Rain

    Harry and Hermione's dance scene from the DH movie, altered very slightly and put into words.

  • That Left Behind

    Ginny and Ron take a trip to Privet Drive to get all of Harry's belongings that were left behind during his horcrux hunt.

  • Haircut

    Harry has always been Molly Weasley's son, whether he knows it or not. Post-DH.

  • The Muggles

    In the summer after the war, Ginny asks Harry a question.

  • Better Late Than Never

    When a carefree afternoon with Annabeth's family is rudely interrupted by a monster attack, the secret the Chases have been keeping from the twins for so long is out and Annabeth is left with no choice but to tell her little brothers the truth.

  • Home Again

    "...and the sky exploded in a dome of fire." -Blood of Olympus, Ch. 53. This is what happens after that, from Percy's perspective. He is back at Camp Half-Blood for the first time in more then eight months - the reunion with everyone after the Giant War. (Post-BoO)