

  • Second Chances

    When the Spirits need help dealing with the mess things have become, they knew they couldn't find it in their own universe, so they turned to another one. They dragged in two people, somewhat reluctant but still willing to help them right some of the wrongs that have been committed.

  • He's gone

    Dedicated to Wizardsgirl.

  • Hestia and Harry

    Dedicated to Wizardsgirl

  • Family day

    This is dedicated to Wizardsgirl, because her wonderful story inspired me to write this.

  • Payment

    Dionysus's fingers gripped his chin; green eyes looked into violet ones. There was confusion in those green eyes, Dionysus mentally smirked. Gods always got what they wanted.

  • Vala

    Never give a Vulcan a puzzle it was unspoken, but a rule that everyone knew about Vala is old. More than old he has seen the rise and fall of civilizations and empires, so when Star Fleet need his his help he agrees to get himself out of the room filled with unmated dominates.

  • A day in the life of hogwarts

    just a ordinary day at hogwarts see through our eyes